Dear Colleagues,

We hope that this email finds you well in these unprecedented times.  We are inviting potential authors to submit abstracts to be considered for a book provisionally entitled ‘Case Studies in the Conservation of Nature through Faith’.


It is argued that religious or spiritual motivations for environmentally oriented behavior could effectively mobilize mainstream society to support and contribute to nature conservation.  However, a global referential documentation does not exist to highlight specific instances where bridging religion and conservation science has been successful or has faltered. Awoyemi et al. (2012) wrote an article titled “Global Efforts to Bridge Religion and Conservation: Are they Really Working?”, and Bhagwat, Ormsby, and Rutte (2011) published an article on “The Role of Religion in Linking Conservation and Development: Challenges and Opportunities,” but these articles are now eight and nine years old. A global and current documentation of case studies in the conservation of nature through faith from varied authors is needed to update knowledge on this important interface. Highlighting this knowledge would facilitate religious and conservation communities to learn new approaches to strengthen interactions and discard methods that are not working.


Please submit your abstract/proposals by September 30th, 2020.


Selection Criteria:

1. The article should be focused on documenting one or more case studies in the conservation of nature through faith anywhere in the world.

2. The article may be authored by a faith adherent, provided conservation projects are grassroots and driven by faith communities.  There should ideally be a co-author from the faith tradition being covered in the case study, if possible.

3. The article should state how faith tradition empowers, motivates, and guides the conservation action.


Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent by September 30th to the editorial team of Stephen Awoyemi, Radhika Borde, Andrew Gosler, and Alison Ormsby via the following email address:  Stephen Awoyemi <>