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Job Title: Environmental Analyst or Associate Environmental Scientist
Requisition number: RL001
Respond by: Thursday September 5, 2013
Position Description
SFEI is seeking a talented scientist to join our newly-formed Resilient Landscapes Program. The position offers the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary setting and help develop innovative approaches to ecosystem restoration and watershed management across California. The successful candidate will be involved with hydrogeomorphic interpretation of historical landscapes and change-through-time as part of SFEI’s historical ecology studies, and collaborative projects on landscape-scale design of resilient, adaptive riverine, wetland, and coastal systems.
This is a full-time term position that can begin immediately and last from 12 to 18 months, with the possibility of extension pending available funding. The selected individual will ideally start before November 1, 2013.
We are looking for an individual with strong scientific and communication skills and the ability to manage projects and lead teams of SFEI staff and partners. The ideal candidate will have a BS or MS degree in a relevant environmental field (e.g., geography, geology, hydrology, biology, or ecology) and several years of experience applying their research to environmental management issues within the Bay Area and throughout California. The candidate must be able to synthesize information from a variety of sources and communicate findings clearly through engaging, precise reports and presentations. Experience presenting at professional conferences and/or preparing peer-reviewed publications is highly desirable.
The ideal candidate will have experience in some of the following areas:
 Investigating geomorphic and hydrologic processes within California, particularly the Bay-Delta Estuary and surrounding watersheds
 Examining the relationships between hydrogeomorphic and ecological dynamics in riverine and tidal ecosystems
 Evaluating ecosystem “goods and services” provided by a range of aquatic, riparian, and upland habitat types
 Assessing landscape scale ecological change over time using a variety of contemporary and historical data sources
 Applying original research to the development of management strategies and landscape scale restoration concepts
 Using GIS or other geospatial tools in watershed science applications
 Writing in-depth scientific reports for a general audience
 Project management, including overseeing staff and tracking budgets, schedules, and deliverables
To apply, send your cover letter and resume to No phone calls please. SFEI is an equal opportunity employer. For more information on our mission, values, programs, staff, and employee benefits package, please visit the San Francisco Estuary Institute web site
About SFEI
SFEI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides science to support environmental decision making and management. Our science informs policy-makers, resource managers, stakeholders, scientists, and the broader public. SFEI engages with organizations and individuals of diverse perspectives, priorities, and backgrounds to understand their information needs and how best to meet those needs.
About the Resilient Landscapes Program
The Resilient Landscapes Program helps scientists, managers, and the public visualize large scale restoration strategies that realize the underlying potential of our natural systems to thrive and adapt. Drawing on our ground-breaking historical ecology studies throughout California, the program expands the spatial and temporal framework for restoration planning, providing a missing element critical to visualizing and creating functional landscapes that are resilient to variable climate futures.