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The Portland Water Bureau is looking for a talented and experienced Watershed Protection Manager to join its Resource Protection and Planning Group. The Watershed Protection Manager will play a lead role in stewardship of the Bull Run watershed, the City of Portland’s primary drinking water supply. Bull Run is one of the most protected drinking water supply watersheds in the nation, has a rich and colorful history, and is home to a healthy and ecologically-diverse western Cascades ecosystem. Candidates for this position need a strong personal commitment to watershed protection, in-depth knowledge of forest ecology and wildland hydrology, seasoned abilities to analyze watershed conditions and risks, and on-the-ground experience in remote locations. Familiarity with Pacific Northwest forest ecosystems is highly desirable. Candidates must also have excellent communication and project management skills. More detail about the job description and the qualifications necessary for this position, as well as application procedures is available on the City of Portland’s jobs website: – See more at: