The Clean Energy Committee is accepting applications for Winter Quarter projects, due January 14. We are interested in proposals from students, staff and faculty that will take Evergreen towards its sustainability goals.

We fund on-campus projects that implement, research, and teach clean energy and resource conservation. Some examples of projects we have funded in the past include:

*Digital Imaging for energy conservation in Housing *Heat recovery from wood chip composting *Edible Forest Gardens *The Bike Share Program *The Biodiesel Project *Flaming Eggplant Dishwasher for Reusable Dishware *Events at the Synergy Conference *The Food Sovereignty Film Festival

Please visit our website to learn more about the Clean Energy Committee and to access our grant application and guidelines:

There will be another opportunity to submit proposals close to the end of the quarter. If you have any questions, please contact me at


Dani Madrone