Closes: Fisheries/botanic positions Jan 17, 2014; wildlife positions Jan 30, 2014

See Below

The Portland Water Bureau is seeking 1 applicant with fisheries experience / background, 2 applicants with wildlife experience / background, and 1 applicant with a botanical background to assist in the collection of field data in 2014. The positions are Community Services Aides II, or CSA’s.

The first day of work for the fisheries and botanical positions is February 27, 2014. The first day of work for the wildlife positions is March 25, 2014.

Fisheries CSA
The fisheries work will focus on monitoring juvenile salmonid smolt traps in the spring, conducting fish and fish habitat surveys in the summer, and completing adult salmon counts in the fall/early winter…

Wildlife CSA’s
The wildlife field work will be done April through October and will focus on determining Cryptosporidium prevalence in small mammals…

Botanical CSA
The work will focus on invasive plant surveys, vegetation restoration efforts, and other assigned duties.

Inquiries: Steve Kucas, 503.823.6976,