C&S Doctoral Fellowship & Workplace Organic Gardens Project Director

Doctoral Fellowship
& Workplace Organic Gardens Project Director

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The C&S Workplace Organic Gardens Graduate Fellowship is a unique partnership between a family-owned business and a higher education institution. It provides both practical application of scholarly knowledge and opportunities to inform best practices in workplace gardening initiatives nationwide. This fellowship, sponsored by C&S Wholesale Grocers, connects Antioch University New England (AUNE) faculty and students with C&S staff and other community partners. The fellowship will support expansion of the C&S workplace organic gardening model, implement garden-based educational outreach at C&S workplace settings, and facilitate relevant scholarly research. The doctoral Fellow will work with C&S leadership, AUNE faculty, and local business leaders to implement the Workplace Organic Gardens initiative and supervise graduate student interns. Responsibilities include helping the C&S leadership team scale this initiative to the national level, creating similar workplace garden opportunities for C&S employees throughout the country.

This Fellowship recognizes and supports one graduate student who is working theoretically and practically on food security, environmental education, garden education, and/or related issues. The Fellow must also be enrolled at Antioch University New England during the 2014-15 school year. This position is a one-year appointment with possibility for renewal on an annual basis.

Application Process

If you are interested in being C&S Wholesale Grocers Doctoral Fellow, please send 1) a statement (maximum 1,000 words) describing your relevant expertise, interests, and accomplishments, and your academic and professional goals; 2) three letters of recommendation; and 3) your CV.  

If you are not currently enrolled in AUNE for 2014, visit our web site for relevant application materials.

(Note: Fellowship letters of recommendation satisfy the doctoral program application request for recommendation letters)

The position is a one-year appointment with possibility for renewal on an annual basis.

Please send application materials no later than August 30, 2014, to

QUESTIONS? contact Libby McCann.

C & S Wholesale Grocers 
Doctoral Fellowship 
& Workplace Organic Gardens Project Director

C&S Wholesale Grocers’ Doctoral Fellowship
2014-2015 School Year 
This Fellowship, sponsored by C&S Wholesale Grocers, connects Antioch University New England (AUNE) faculty and students with C&S staff and other community partners. The Fellowship will support expansion of the C&S workplace organic gardening model, implement garden-based educational outreach at C&S workplace settings, and facilitate relevant scholarly research. The doctoral Fellow will work with C&S leadership, AUNE faculty, and local business leaders to implement the Workplace Organic Gardens initiative and supervise master’s degree graduate assistant(s). Responsibilities include helping the C&S leadership team scale this initiative to the national level, creating similar workplace garden opportunities for C&S employees throughout the country, and designing research related to workplace gardens, employee impacts and community resilience. This position is a one-year appointment with possibility for renewal on an annual basis. The C&S Workplace Organic Gardens Graduate Fellowship is a unique partnership between a family-owned business and a higher education institution, providing both practical application of scholarly knowledge and opportunities to inform best practices in workplace gardening initiatives nationwide. This position works in conjunction with Antioch University New England’s Community Garden Connections (CGC) initiative, which builds local capacity to grow food and address food security issues related to climate change, personal and communal health, and resiliency. CGC supports gardens throughout the community in partnership with local service agencies, businesses, K-12 students and other community members. For more about CGC, see:

Position Description

woman at woodward

This Fellowship is awarded to an exceptional Antioch University New England doctoral student with clearly defined career interests in food security, environmental education, environmental studies, sustainability, or other relevant field.  Preference will be given to AUNE doctoral students, although post-doctoral candidates will be considered on a case-by-case basis for the first year of this position. The Fellowship provides a monthly stipend, tuition and fees waiver, and applicable expense reimbursement. Start date of September 30th. We seek an energetic AUNE doctoral student to oversee an initiative at C&S Wholesale Grocers to help employees and their families grow healthy, chemical-free foods at company-supported and owned sites. The C&S Doctoral Fellow and Workplace Garden Project Director will engage C&S employees in educational activities to support their gardening efforts, oversee AUNE master’s student assistant(s) to implement this initiative, and conduct relevant scholarly research and evaluation.  Activities during the 2014-2015 growing season include: soliciting input from community stakeholders, further institutionalizing the initiative at two C&S sites in Keene, N.H.; one in Brattleboro, Vt., and one in North Hatfield, Mass., and potential new sites; identifying evaluation and research strategies; completing relevant literature review in conjunction with graduate course work; promoting synergy with related community initiatives in Keene, N.H.; and continued program expansion on a national scale to support C&S employees’ workplace gardening. This is a one-year position with potential for annual renewal.


  • Master’s Degree in related field
  • Enrolled in Antioch University New England doctoral degree program in related field
  • Garden-based education expertise
  • Commitment to eliminating hunger and increasing community well-being and resilience
  • Organic gardening and garden management skills, including: garden design, soil preparation, garden maintenance, and oversight
  • Capable of designing an efficient, user-friendly system for planting, harvesting, weighing, and donating fresh produce from workplace garden sites to area food pantries
  • Ability to take initiative and work with minimal supervision
  • Ability to communicate effectively in writing and in person
  • Strong project management, organizational, time and budget management skills
  • Ability to collaborate with various partners, graduate interns and C&S stakeholders
  • Work well with a variety of people, is self-directed and motivated to move the project forward
  • Knowledge of campus and community resources
  • Relevant interest in scholarly research and evaluation expertise regarding topics such as: benefits of gardening, workplace satisfaction, emotional well-being; adult education; community-based environmental education; conservation psychology, and connectedness to nature.
  • Willingness to travel within New England required.
  • Ability to facilitate employee relations and internal communications


C&S Graduate Fellow will receive a stipend and tuition remission for the academic year (September 30, 2014-September 29, 2015). Mileage reimbursement provided as needed and per appropriate policy.

Application Process

This Fellowship recognizes and supports one graduate student who is working theoretically and practically on food security, environmental education, garden education and/or related issues. The Fellow must also be enrolled at Antioch University New England during the 2014-15 school year. If you are interested in being the C&S Wholesale Grocers Doctoral Fellow & Workplace Organic Gardens Project Director, please send the following 1) a statement (no longer than 1000 words) describing your relevant expertise, interests, and accomplishments, and your academic and professional goals; 2) three letters of recommendation; and 3) your CV.  The position is a one year appointment with possibility for renewal.

Please send application materials no later than August 30, 2014 to

QUESTIONS? contact Libby McCann.