Amateur film-makers and watershed advocates, we want to see what you got!!!
With a generous grant from The Russell Family Foundation, the University of Washington
Tacoma will host the second annual film festival focused on our own Puyallup River Watershed.
We invite all community members, students and non-profit organizations located in or
working in the watershed to submit 2- to 3-minute videos related to issues affecting the Puyallup
River and its tributaries. The more inventive and original the better!!!
We will screen all entries in an evening film festival December 9th, 2014, open to the public.
Winners in each category (open, middle school, high school, college/university, non-profit,
and government) will be selected by the audience and prizes will be awarded (so bring your
friends and family!). All entries will be made available to the public to view on the new
Puyallup River Outreach Project website [], a project to showcase
educational materials and outreach efforts in the Puyallup River Watershed.
You’ll be famous!!!
To see last year’s winners and other examples, go to the Festival page:
If you are interested, but do not have access to a video camera, don’t despair! Thanks to our
sponsors, we have easy-to-use video cameras you can borrow for filming, and project staff
will be happy to work with you on getting started; we will even visit your school to meet
with your team! For assistance please email Jim Gawel ( To enter your
team in the film festival competition, please register here before December 1, 2014.
2nd Annual Puyallup River Film
Festival: a Competition to Save
Our Watershed
Submit video files [.mov or .mpeg4;
1280 X 720 (720p); 30 frames per
second (fps)] on thumb drive or data
DVD by December 1, 2014, to:
Jim Gawel
University of Washington
1900 Commerce St.
Campus Box 358436
Tacoma, WA 98402
Please include with your submission
a title for your film, the film-makers
names, and any affiliations you want
in the program.