1. Meridian Fellowship/Job opportunity in public policy – for recent grads

Meridian Institute is pleased to announce position openings for Project Assistants within the Meridian Fellowship Program – an opportunity for recent college graduates to work on varied and highly complex public policy issues, learn about the field of multi-party collaborative problem solving, and engage with leaders from a variety of sectors and interest groups. Meridian has two offices (Washington, D.C. and Dillon, CO), and Fellows may be placed in either office, depending on staffing needs.

The deadline to submit applications is 10 pm EST on February 6, 2015.


Meridian professionals combine extensive experience in collaborative process design, deep substantive knowledge, and proven mediation skills to help people solve complex and controversial problems, make informed decisions, and implement solutions that improve lives, the economy, and the environment. At Meridian, we design collaborative approaches that bring together people who understand the issues and have a stake in their resolution.


Meridian selects new Fellows for the program on an annual basis and offers significant personal and professional development opportunities.  Fellows will provide research, writing, and other types of support for projects focusing on a wide variety of challenging substantive issue areas, such as agriculture and food security; climate change and energy; environment and natural resources; global stability and security; health; sustainability and resilience; and science and technology.


Questions about the Fellowship or application process can be sent to jbrassanini@merid.org . For more information about the Meridian Institute, please visit www.merid.org


Equal Opportunity Meridian Institute welcomes applicants from all backgrounds and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, national origin, creed, or ancestry.