Free Webinar hosted by

the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences

co-hosted by the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment (FCEA) and the Environmental Law Section of the American Branch of the International Law Association

Dr. Wil Burns, AESS President and Co-Director of the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment will be presenting


“Into the Great Wide Open? The Promise and Potential Perils of Climate Geoengineering”


Read a full description about the event on our website.


Description: According to recent analyses by the World Resources Institute, Climate Analytics, and the WWF, the pledges made by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) put the world on course for temperature increases of 3-3.9C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. This could have disastrous consequences for human institutions and natural ecosystems, including massive sea level rise, eradication of coral reefs throughout the world, and potentially catastrophic declines in agricultural production, especially in the global South. As a consequence, increasing attention has been devoted to a series of potential responses that were once considered “taboo,” and “forbidden territory,” climate geoengineering.
  Mark your planners for


Friday, March 20th, 2015

12:00pm-1:15pm EDT



Pre-registration encouraged!


This is a free service provided by the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS).

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About AESS Webinars
The AESS webinar series highlights recent articles in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, which is a members-only benefit of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences.
The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) serves the faculty, students and staff of the 2000+ interdisciplinary environmental programs in North America and around the world. We seek to strengthen teaching, research and service in environmental studies and sciences, and to improve communication across boundaries that too often divide the traditional academic disciplines. The Association facilitates the professional development of Association members not just as individuals but also to advance Environmental Studies and Sciences as a whole.

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