When: Thursday, November 5, 10:00-12:00 (regular EAP Seminar slot, extended)
Event: 2nd annual Puget Sound Forum
The Puget Sound Forum is an internal Ecology mini-symposium organized by the Environmental Assessment Program to foster cross-program communication and education on Ecology science work relevant to Puget Sound. This year’s Forum will focus on toxics transport and fate, from mountains to sea, with emphasis on ecosystem functions and potential effects of drought, warmer air or water temperatures on these functions. We have a line-up of very interesting speakers from multiple programs, including Water Quality, Air Quality, Shorelands, and Environmental Assessment. Topics include air deposition, storm water, wetlands, and source control, with a wrap-up and synthesis by Darin Rice, of HWTR.
We hope you can join us.
Julia Bos, for
EAP Puget Sound Forum Organizing Team