Great scholarship opportunity for women residing in Thurston, Mason or Lewis counties!

Live your Dreams Scholarship

Deadline is November 15th,2015

I am writing you on behalf of Soroptimist International of Olympia, a professional women’s organization. Annually we offer a Live Your Dreams award in the amount up to $1850 for a woman to obtain skills-training and/or education to improve her employment status. The only parameter is the woman must have primary financial responsibility for her family and have at least one dependent. Our local award winner is then forwarded on for consideration at the regional, and possibly national level-and eligible for additional cash awards.


Reference Form:

Remember to check first if you are eligible.

Because of the nature of the forms, it is important that you have the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat prior to opening the document.  (To get the most recent version, go to Adobe,
You can open the attached Application and Reference forms.
Once you open either form, make sure to save the document to your computer in a place you will remember.
Fill in the required spots on the form.
When complete, save the document again.
Attach and send the document to the Soroptimist International of Olympia representative, that information is on the application form.

Questions?  Contact Judy Miller Awards Chair SIO
