Greenbank Farm, Greenbank, Washington
Closes: Monday, July 11, 2011

The Executive Director is the CEO of the Greenbank Farm and is responsible for its overall leadership and successful operations. The Executive Director needs to share a passion for the mission of the Greenbank Farm and further the mission, goals and strategic objectives (developed in conjunction with and approved by the Board of Directors).

Primary responsibilities include:
Implementation of the Master Site Plan and a strategic plan; staff management and development; program development, implementation and evaluation; financial management and sustainability; fundraising; external and internal communication, public relations and marketing.

The Executive Director communicates the Greenbank Farm’s vision and values, helps motivate staff and creates the organizational structure necessary to successfully meet the Farm’s mission and goals as a center for community and artistic activity, recreation, appreciation of nature and sustainable, local agriculture. Build and maintain community relationships and partnerships. The Executive Director serves as a key liaison between the Farm and its Board of Directors and as a principal ambassador in building and maintaining community relationships and partnerships.

For a complete job description go to:
www. greenbankfarm.
