The Institute for Natural Resources and the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center is recruiting for a  vegetation ecologist. The position will initially be responsible for managing a 5 year cooperative agreement between INR and the BLM, to collect inventory and monitoring data on “Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Priority Areas”.  For at least the first 2 field seasons, extensive time (5 months per year) will be spent in the field collecting monitoring data, and helping to manage three, 2 person field crews.  This cooperative agreement is a partnership between INR and the BLM.

We hope to find an individual who can both manage this 5 year agreement, and resurrect an ecology program in Oregon, small or large. INR and ORBIC currently staff the Oregon Natural Areas Program, and provide ecological expertise to the state’s wetlands program, riparian management programs, and maintain extensive partnerships with the US Forest Service.  There are lots of opportunities for great projects in Oregon, which is an exceptionally ecologically diverse place.

All positions at INR are soft funded, and after 18 months, a small amount of additional funding will need to be found to make sure the position is funded year-around, and it is hoped that the ecologist we hire is willing to help find projects (big or small) to assure continued employment here.  Everyone at INR is soft funded, and yet staff seem to be able to stay here as long as they want; but I wanted to make sure folks knew what they were getting into.

The job posting is here (

Questions should be directed to Jimmy Kagan, or 503-725-9955