South Fork Research, Inc. is seeking a full-time fisheries ecologist to join our small environmental consulting firm specializing in freshwater ecology and monitoring/restoration of Pacific salmon and their habitat.  We support many of our efforts through the development of fish life cycle models, geospatial data and tools, and statistical models. We work collaboratively with several groups as part of the Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program and Columbia Habitat Monitoring Programs.

The successful applicant will work as a lead fisheries biologist on life cycle modeling and fish-habitat relationship projects and will also provide support for related stream temperature and hydraulic modeling efforts.  The position requires expertise in statistics (R preferred), familiarity with databases (e.g. MS Access) and basic skills in ArcGIS. We seek applicants demonstrating attention to detail, an enthusiasm for research and answering management questions, excellent communication skills, and strong technical writing skills.  A MS or PhD in fisheries, biology or ecology is required.

The position will remain open until filled but preference will be given to applications received by 11/07/2016.  Please submit a cover letter, resume, a short writing sample, and contact information for 2 professional references. The cover letter should describe your interest in the position and a brief summary of your most relevant experiences and qualifications.  Please submit application materials and questions to