Please join us for our Spring Symposium – Turbulence, Headwinds and Tailwinds: Adapting to a Shifting Climate for Energy Efficiency

Northwest leaders shine a new light on an ever shifting landscape of energy policy, technologies and possibilities. How are utilities planning to navigate changes ahead and what does the future hold? Will we brace for turbulence or ride the headwinds and tailwinds into a new era?

Join AESP Northwest for an afternoon with thought leaders presenting on pilots, major topics and plans to chart a path forward.

Keynote speaker: Josh Binus, Bonneville Power Administration

Panelists: Josh Keeling, PGE, Jeff Harris, NEEA, Bruce Manclark, CLEAResult, and a special guest.

2017 Spring Symposium Topics and Tracks:

  • Northwest Energy Trends: Trends in energy efficiency, distributed energy resources, evolving approaches to market intervention, and a changing Federal landscape.
  • Evolving Products and Services: Customer behavior research guiding strategic market interventions for next generation HVAC.

The symposium will takes palce Wednesday, April 19th from 12:00 – 5:00, with a reception from 5:00 – 6:00.

Reservation is required. The event is free and includes lunch. Space is limited.

Please RSVP here: