Marine Science Educator, Seattle, WA

This position is intended to accomplish the development and delivery of marine science education. Programming to a wide range of audiences in an informal science setting at the Seattle Aquarium. Early Childhood programming is specific focus of the position.

Primary job functions:

1. Develop, coordinate, and implement Seattle Aquarium Early Childhood programming.

2. Facilitate/implement PreK-12 marine science educational programming on/off-site for a wide range of audiences including students, teachers, families and general public.

3. Monitor and evaluate learning and educational programming under supervision of the Education Manager.

4. Train and supervise work study employees, interns and volunteers in the education department.

5. Maintain educational resources, materials and programming spaces.

6. Maintain and utilize familiarity with current research, technology and programming trends for education in an informal science learning environment.

7. Administer programs through financial and attendance data entry and analysis. Prepare narrative and statistical reports on Early Childhood and other programs. Assist in budget preparation and expenditure management as required.

See full job description for complete list of duties and responsibilities.

Special Knowledge, Skills, Training

1. Strong knowledge and experience in early childhood educational programming.

2. Demonstrated ability to create, present informal science education programs.

3. Excellent written and oral communication skills

4. Strong background in marine biology especially NW marine species.

5. Strong computer skills, quick ability to assimilate and use new electronic tools

6. Excellent time management and organizational skills.

7. Washington State driving license or other valid State license.


• BA/BS Degree required. Science Education, Environmental Education, Marine Biology or related degree.

• Master’s Degree preferred.


• Minimum two years experience as an educator in an informal/formal science setting in a zoo/aquarium/natural history museum or similar facility.

• Experience working in team based environments.

• Demonstrated self starter, initiative

Working Conditions

• Must be able to present/teach programs several times over the course of the day.

• Frequently work with very young children.

• Must be flexible and available for evening and weekend work.

• Must be willing and able to teach/work in the field and in all types of weather.

Salary and Benefits:

This is a Regular full-time benefitted position.

Minimum Hourly rate: $18.75 DOE.

How to Apply: Deliver cover letter and resume to: