Gateways for Incarcerated Youth is in looking for Academic Mentors this coming school year.


If possible, we would like to take 10-15 minutes in the beginning of your class within the next few weeks to present and outreach for our organization. Last year we were very successful in recruiting volunteers from these presentations and we even facilitated some more in-depth 30-45 minute presentations about our work, the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration in Washington State and our organizational framework as a model for service-based learning.


We are also looking for a wide variety of programs to speak with as we are always trying to recruit students with a variety of expertise ranging from art, history, literature to science, math and cultural studies. Please let us know if you and your teaching partner(s) have a few minutes to spare, we would love to come to talk your students.




Alvina Wong

Academic Mentoring Program Coordinator

Gateways for Incarcerated Youth

AmeriCorps Retention Project Member

The Evergreen State College

Seminar 2, E 2126 Olympia, WA 98505

