Upcoming Food Sovereignty delegations with Food First, See BELOW

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Food Sovereignty Tours, a project of Food First/Institute for Food & Development Policy, takes you to the front lines of the
global food movement to meet the farmers, consumers, scholars and policymakers working to make food sovereignty a
reality. With a 35-year history of generating analysis about the global food system and supporting movements for
progressive change, Food First has been called one of the country’s “most established food think tanks” by the New York
Times. We invite you to join one of our upcoming delegations.
Cuba Organic: Revolution and Evolution, January 12 – 23, 2012
Explore the institutions and resources put into place in order to make Cuba’s organic revolution
possible on this food sovereignty “road trip” from Havana to Santiago de Cuba. With renowned
agroecology expert Fernando Funes as your guide, you will examine the ongoing evolution of
Cuba’s agrarian revolution and learn firsthand about Cuba’s struggle to take control of its food
system in the face of global market exclusion.
Please contact Carol with any questions about this trip. Call toll-free 1-800-497-1994 ext. 251 or
Bolivia: Llamas, Quinoa and Andean Food Sovereignty, March 10 – 19, 2012
Witness the extraordinary agricultural systems that have, and continue to, sustain communities
in the highlands of Bolivia. Learn about quinoa and llamas, two products that have been at the
heart of Andean food security for centuries. You will travel from the shores of Lake Titicaca to
the Southern Altipano to gain a unique lens into the fascinating world of Andean food and
For more information about this delegation to Bolivia contact Tanya at 510-654-4400 ext. 223 or
Nicaragua: Sustainable Agriculture & the Campesino Movement, Mar. 24 – Apr. 4, 2012
For thirty years, the Campesino a Campesino (Farmer to Farmer) movement in Central America
has helped farming families in the rural villages improve their livelihoods and conserve their
natural resources. On this delegation, join NICCA – the Nicaragua Center for Community Action
on a tour of the breathtaking Matagalpa region to forge solidarity with Nicaraguan farmers and
learn from the experiences of the Campesino a Campesino Movement.
For more information about this delegation to Nicaragua contact Suzanne at 510-654-8645 or
South Korea: Food, Land and Democracy, May 10 – 20, 2012
Explore Korean cuisine and the centuries-long struggle of South Korean farmers for land reform
and democracy. Visit cooperatives and speak to peasants, farmers and activists who are working
to promote a democratic local food system that respects the history, tradition, and culture of the
Korean people. This tour is organized in collaboration with the Korean Peasants League and the
Korean Women’s Peasant Association.
For more information about this delegation to South Korea contact Tanya at 510-654-4400 ext.
223 or tkerssen@foodfirst.org
Please pass this information along to your friends, students, colleagues, include it in your newsletters, or on your events
calendar and help us spread the word!
Visit www.foodsovereigntytours.org for more details
Follow Food Sovereignty Tours on Facebook and Twitter