Faculty, Earth and Environmental Sciences, U Michigan

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Michigan is searching for candidates in the areas of Energy/Mineral Resources and Climate Change/Water Sustainability, at the assistant, associate or full professor level, starting September 2012. This is a university-year appointment. We encourage applications from candidates with established records of research and teaching in either of these areas.

Energy/Mineral Resources: Candidates for this position should investigate processes key to the origin and development of fossil energy sources, alternative energy sources, or mineral resources. Research areas might include, but are not limited to: (i) formation of mineral or energy deposits using sedimentology, aqueous geochemistry, or high-temperature geochemistry; (ii) exploration for deposits using reflection seismology or exploration geochemistry; and (iii) research relevant to alternative energy development or carbon sequestration. Candidates may use field, and/or experimental studies, and/or modeling. Global

Climate Change/Water Sustainability: Candidates for this position should investigate water cycling and resource issues in relation to climate and paleoclimate change. Areas of expertise might include, but are not limited to: (i) hydrological cycling with emphasis on atmosphere and/or land surface processes; (ii) monitoring and modeling of surface and ground water, vapor, snow, and ice; and (iii) impacts of climate change on water availability and quality. Candidates may use field, monitoring, and/or experimental studies, geochemical or geophysical techniques including remote sensing, and/or modeling. The successful candidate is expected to establish an independent research program and contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching. Applicants should submit a CV, statement of current and future research plans, statement of teaching philosophy and experience, evidence of teaching excellence, and names of at least four persons who can provide letters of recommendation. Information about the Department can be found at: http://www.lsa.umich.edu/earth. Applications should be submitted as a single PDF file by email to: earth-search@umich.edu Deadline is December 15, 2011 for full consideration, but applications will continue to be reviewed until the position is filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The University is supportive of the needs of dual career couples. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.