The duty station for this position is at the Fish Program, Region 6 Office, 48 Devonshire Rd. Montesano, WA.

Job Summary

This position assists with stock assessment activities associated with the coastal razor clam management project.  This position also assists in the collection of creel census data needed to make estimates of harvest for the recreational razor clam fishery. The work supported by this position meets Objective A of Goal 2 in the current Fish Program Business Plan; “Increase the economic benefits and public participation derived from sustainable fish and wildlife opportunities.” Specifically, this position participates in the collection of field data necessary to make the coast wide annual estimate of razor clam stock adundance, and razor clam harvest.



Stock Assessment: Following established methods, assists in the execution of the razor clam stock assessment. Always follow appropriate safety practices while conducting field sampling.

Harvest Monitoring: Following established methods, assists in the collection of razor clam harvest data including effort, CPUE and lengths.

Equipment Maintence:  Insure all sampling equipment is kept in good working order and proper maintenance and the ability to work on small engines such as waterpumps.

Public Interaction: Readily interact with the general public while working in the field , providing basic information regarding fish resources as well as agency programs and activities.

Data Summary: Assists with, compiling and summaring collected razor clam data in prescribed formats


Working Conditions:


Work long hours using a sampling technique that requires a using a repetitive motion to raise and lower a six-foot wand (made of 1.5” diameter PVC pipe).  Lift and transport sampling equipment weighing up to 75 pounds. Pull 100-foot long 2-inch fire hoses (used in sampling) up to 600 feet along a sandy beach.  Dig razor clams by kneeling on the beach using a shovel and a repetitive digging motion.  Often begin the workday at very early hours or end the workday at very late night hours.  Spend long hours working in often very inclement weather often for several consecutive days.  Travel overnight (for several days at a time) to other parts of the state for sampling purposes (up to 25%).   Work in adverse weather conditions (fog, wind, rain, etc.) on land or off a marine vessel platform.  Work on vessels in extremely rough open-ocean conditions and not be affected by motion sickness. Drive automobiles and 4×4 pickups on freeways and rural roads under all weather conditions, and during daylight and nighttime hours while pulling a 15-foot trailer. Must also be capable of backing the trailer into tight spaces.  Interact positively with angry members of the public while explaining fishery regulations and seasons.  Spend long periods of time using a computer keyboard while entering data.

This position is covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the State of Washington, Department of Fish & Wildlife, and the Washington Association of Fish and Wildlife Professionals (WAFWP).  As a condition of employment you must either join the union and pay union dues, or pay the union a representational or other fee within 30 days of the date you are put into pay status.


Required Qualifications: 


Minimum Qualifications:  Graduation from high school or GED, including one year of high school science.  Preferred experience:  Ability to collect razor clams using a standard razor clam shovel. Ability to proficiently use the following computer software: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word.  Valid Washington State driver’s license. 


How to apply: 


Go to our homepage to download the state application at   

Submit a cover letter, completed state application and resume describing how you meet the qualifications for this recruitment.  For each relevant position, specify your employers, job title, length of service, and duties performed. 


Send these materials to