NOAA Fisheries, Fishery Resource Analysis & Monitoring Division, Seattle, Washington
Closes: Monday, February 28, 2011

Announcement #: NMFS-NWC-2011-

0027 (internal)
NMFS-NWC-2011-0028 (external)

The mission of NOAA Fisheries is to provide “stewardship of living marine resources for the benefit of the nation through science-based conservation and management and promotion of the health of their environment.” The Northwest Fisheries Science Center contributes to this mission by providing the scientific research needed to meet NOAA’s stewardship role, with an emphasis on the Pacific Northwest.

The FRAM Division is responsible for determining ecologically safe harvest levels for groundfish species and evaluating the effects of fishery management actions to support NOAA Fisheries and Pacific Fishery Management Council decisions. Programs within the Division include West Coast Observers, complex trawl and acoustics surveys, stock assessment, and economics. There are also active and growing research programs in bycatch reduction, demersal fish habitat requirements,, ecosystem observations, bioeconomics, and the effects of harvest management strategies, such as catch shares, on fish stocks and fishing communities. The division has an annual budget over $15 million, with approximately 50 FTEs and 25 contractors on staff. Major labs/offices are located in Seattle, WA and Newport, OR.

We seek candidates with demonstrated ability as a widely recognized authority in the fishery biology, economics, oceanography, or marine science disciplines, with proven ability to:
1) design and carry out an original research program at the forefront of science and technology;
2) plan and coordinate operating unit programs; and
3) apply a high degree of imagination and creativity to problems recognized as critical to making progress in areas of significant natural resource management importance.

Applicants must apply online through USAJOBS (

Please contact Cheryl Morisaki at or 206-860-3257 for additional information.