BrennaMae, on behalf of all of us at Sunbreak Farm

Seeking interns for SPRING quarter 2011

Sunbreak Farm is currently looking for student interns for the Spring 2011 quarter.  Interns will be involved in and learn about all aspects of farm operations, including but not limited to: planning; seeding; field preparation; transplanting; weeding; infrastructure projects; small-scale organic seed growing, selecting and processing; composting; harvesting; CSA; and sales.  In addition to learning the operational aspects of a small organic farm, interns will also learn about the relevant facets of soil science, crop botany, as well as theoretical and management approaches to small-scale organic farming.  No prior farming or gardening experience is required, although experience with some type of manual labor is a plus.

About Us
Nestled among maples, firs and cedars, Sunbreak Farm is a 2-acre certified organic farm on the west side of Olympia, WA.  We grow an assortment of vegetables for CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), wholesale, and special orders.  We grow a variety of vegetable seed crops for on-farm use and wholesale, as well as produce our own line of pickles as a value-added product.
Our mission is to grow the healthiest and happiest vegetables in order to nourish ourselves, our families, and our community, within a farm ecosystem that nurtures plants, people, and the many insects that pollinate and protect our crops.

If you are interested in working with us, please contact Aaron at 360.789.4689 or