Conference 2012: Ecosystems Services Come of Age:Linking Science, Policy and Participation for Sustainable Human Well Being

Abstract, Poster & Working Group Submissions

During this Ecosystem Services Partnership conference, you will have the opportunity to present a paper in a parallel session, present a poster, or organize a working group. Details of all three options are below:
Parallel Session Presentations:

These presentations will be held on the first two days of the conference. There will be only a few parallel sessions, but with shorter presentations. This will allow you to have a larger audience for your presentation.


Poster Presentations:

Posters will be displayed throughout the conference, with specific times for being at your poster for discussion.

Working Groups:

Small groups working over the course of two days (August 1-2), to solve a problem and implement the solutions. Working groups are intended to be transdisciplinary, including a diverse range of scientists, policy makers, communicators, and practitioners. They should allow sufficient time for participants to meet and interact to discuss and solve real problems in the field and also to determine how to best communicate the results. They can last anywhere from a few hours to a day and a half.  Number of participants can range from a few people to a couple of dozen.  There is no specific structure for these working groups – structure should be determined based on topic, participants, and product.  Each working group should aim to produce, or start to produce, a product/solution.  Working groups will be given a short amount of time on the final day (August 3) of the conference to report their results in plenary.

Click here to submit your abstract, poster or working group now! Or visit the conference website for more information.