Olympia Washington Summer 2012
It is the mission of the Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) to achieve social change and economic justice by helping to build a stronger more unified grassroots movement. We recognize that the concentration of wealth and power is the root cause of oppression requiring us to work together across ideologies, issues and communities. The Alliance nurtures organizations seeking fundamental change in international and national conditions that disempower people, create disparities in access to wealth and power, poison the earth, and plunder its resources.
Who You Are
We are looking for an intern for our small new Olympia office. Applicants should by self-motivated, enjoy working with small organizations, want to learn more about grassroots organizing, have an interest in networking with local organizations and be committed to social justice and change.

What you will be doing
With the help of our new national program organizer you will be assisting in the development of our northwest branch. This will include research on current events effecting issues that we are interested in. There will be a chance to do general office work, printing, copying, web and social media. Participation with national organizing calls. Network with local groups in the area. Provide support for planning and organizing events. Writing research reports for publication through our networks. There is also a chance for traveling.

We will develop a comprehensive reading list that will require short response papers. Writing will be an integral part of this work. You will work closely with the staff.

To Apply

First look over the website http://afgj.org then write at most a page that details an introduction to who you are, why you want to be part of the Alliance For Global Justice and what you would like to accomplish in this internship. E-mail it to ossf2012@gmail.com

Questions? Call 360-742-0864