The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is dedicated to protecting native fish and wildlife, and providing
sustainable fishing, hunting and wildlife viewing opportunities for millions of residents and visitors. Working throughout the
state, WDFW’s employees–field biologists, enforcement officers, land stewards, lab technicians, customer service
representatives and others—manage hundreds of fish and wildlife species, maintain nearly a million acres of public wildlife
lands, provide opportunities for recreational and commercial fishing, wildlife viewing and hunting, protect and restore
habitat and enforce laws that protect fish and wildlife resources.
This is a full-time Project Fisheries Biologist 3 position in the Fish Program – Region 5. This position is funded through
the Alternative Gear Project PE 2012-06 for 2 years. The duty station is the Region 5 Office, 2108 Grand Blvd,
Vancouver, WA.
The primary objective of this position is to implement the Mortality Study as part of the overall Lower Columbia River
Alternative Gear Project. This position supervises and conducts fieldwork to capture and mark returning adult salmonids
for estimating the mortality of alternative commercial fishing gears in the Lower Columbia River and works closely with the
supervisor and a Research Scientist to assure best science is used in study.