NWAEP Seattle Brown Bag- Nov. 8th, Noon- 1pm

NWAEP Seattle
“Rain Gardens: A Regional Approach”
Brown Bag Presentation by Stewardship Partners
NWAEP is pleased to present Stewardship Partners who will be giving a brown bag presentation about “Rain Gardens: A Regional Approach” – presented by Aaron D. Clark, PhD.
Stewardship Partners created the “12,000 Rain Gardens Campaign” (http://www.12000raingardens.org) and will describe its mission, scope, and structure. This presentation will include a brief discussion of issues surrounding stormwater runoff and how Low Impact Development can be implemented to manage runoff close to its source. As an interactive discussion, the presentation may also include discourse regarding agency incentive programs, community outreach, grassroots community support for restoration, and working with urban landowners/homeowners on environmental stewardship. Photos and descriptions of recently constructed rain gardens will be provided and the group will discuss applicability, limitations, and options/alternatives for rain gardens. This is not to be missed!
Please feel free bring a lunch to the event – coffee and light snacks will be provided.
What: NWAEP “Rain Gardens: A Regional Approach”  Brown Bag Presentation (free)
Presented by Aaron D. Clark, PhD., Stewardship Partners
When: November 8, 2012 – Noon-1pm
Where: Anchor QEA, LLC
Galena Conference Room
720 Olive Way, Suite 1900, Seattle
Who: NWAEP members (non-members welcome, too!)
Please contact Josh Jensen at (206) 930-1674 or jjensen@anchorqea.com with any questions.