Vegetation Mapping/ Ecology Position Announcement Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program California Department of Fish and Game
$15-17 per hour

The Department of Fish and Game is seeking one or two vegetation ecologists/mappers to work full time for a year in the Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program (VegCAMP). Most of the work will be in a DFG office located in downtown Sacramento, although some field work is required.

The primary duty will be creating digital vegetation maps of the Mojave Desert using aerial imagery in ArcMap GIS software. Other related duties may include entering vegetation data into existing Microsoft Access databases, organizing and renaming digital field photos, scanning and organizing documents, and keying plants.

Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of vegetation ecology and experience with the California flora and the state’s plant communities; experience in vegetation mapping, data entry and quality checking; and attention to detail. Ability to travel and perform field work under a variety of conditions. An interest in the work and a cooperative attitude.

Additional qualifications: Knowledge of ecological field sampling methods; use of GPS and other field equipment; MS Access database experience; ArcGIS experience; ability to work independently and as part of a team. Preferably able to start work with a week in the field on May 2

Additional Information: Must possess a valid California Driver’s License, Class C.

To Apply: Email a cover letter, resume, and three references to: Steve Schoenig at

Please put “Mojave Mapper” in the subject line, and entitle your word or pdf
documents as follows: “Last name_first name_cover” (replacing “resume” and
“refs” for those documents).

The closing deadline to receive applications is April 15th.