Helena Meyer-Knapp

Member of the Faculty- The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA USA

Helena Meyer-Knapp

Entries Tagged as 'Iconic Sites'

Iconic Sites — Museums and Memorials

May 14th, 2011 · No Comments · 2006-2010 Comparative Research "History Becomes Heritage", 3. Sites, Iconic Sites

In each of the three countries specific memorials and museums serve as cultural icons, embodiments of vital elements of the national narrative. In the U.S. Washington DC  is central to the national story in the US, and students visit the Capitol to hear about the essentials of democracy, though few of them are directed to […]



Official Statements of Purpose

May 14th, 2011 · No Comments · 2006-2010 Comparative Research "History Becomes Heritage", 3. Sites, Iconic Sites

Museums and memorials in Japan, Korea and the USA publish visible statements of the purpose behind making the site. This is distinct from the purpose of the events being memorialized. Japanese sites regularly mention the need to pass the stories on to the next generation. These sites are the most obviously focused on a group […]

