Helena Meyer-Knapp

Member of the Faculty- The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA USA

Helena Meyer-Knapp

Entries Tagged as 'Essays'

Voting Rights, Gun Rights and the Constitution

January 10th, 2016 · No Comments · Guns & Votes in the Constitution

  There are two versions of this essay, an extended exploration of the subject, The Constitution Politics and Public-Suicide and a 1200 word version presented in its entirety here below. They are the result of extended research and reflection. The deaths of all those children at Sandy Hook Elementary School set in motion a project that has become […]



If Canvas collapses check here for information

October 1st, 2014 · No Comments · Teaching

In the not-particularly-unlikely event that Evergreen and the Canvas server in the Cloud lose contact, Rob and I will post key program information to this page.



Conference Papers — Introduction

August 1st, 2014 · No Comments · Conference Papers

In this part of the webpage you will find uploaded, written versions of Conference Papers. These were prepared to accompany an oral presentation. Some were accompanied by Slides as well. So almost none of them conform to the standard format used for publishing academic papers



The papers themselves (since 1999)

July 31st, 2014 · No Comments · The papers themselves

DISCORDANT APOLOGIES 2018 — A project that took over from the “public diplomacy” project, after a couple of grant applications in that area failed to get traction. I still think public diplomacy is an interesting avenue of work, but not mine. Discordant Apologies explores what happens inside nation states and across international boundaries when truly […]



Academic Conference Papers about Peace

July 18th, 2014 · No Comments · Peace

I have presented often at academic conferences reporting and receiving feedback on my research among the community of scholars. Though I have not gone annually to any professional body I am a regular participant at Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education and the wider Association for Moral Education, the Asian Studies Conference Japan and its wider body the Association […]



The Politics of Public Suicide

June 13th, 2013 · No Comments · Essays, Guns and Suicide

This essay, The Politics of Public Suicide is long, detailed and complex. Starting from the notion that many mass killings in the USA end in the killer’s own suicide, it uses suicide as the center of an exploration of the origins and current state of gun violence in the USA. An early version, completed in 2013, was written […]




March 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Autobiographical, Essays

I have published little autobiographical writing. For a book about Global Citizenship, to be published in 2014, I wrote an essay about gardens and gardening as one way to develop an intimate sense of more than one civic community.  I made a “work in progress” presentation “Cultivating the Moral Self: Comparing Japanese, US, English and South […]



Commercially Published Writing on Peace

March 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Essays, Peace

Having an academic job at Evergreen, a university deeply committed to teaching, has liberated me from the a cade”mic publish or perish” system. Nonetheless, it is important for scholarly work to be open to scrutiny and comment. My largest recent project, the study of how “history” becomes “heritage” is published in full in these pages. […]



Commercially published work on teaching

March 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Essays, Teaching

I have contributed essays and chapters to several books and presented papers at a number of conferences. Here you will find links to books about teaching including peace education: Ethics and Global Politics: An Active Learning Sourcebook. This contains two essays by me. The first is one of the two introductory essays — ETHICS FROM […]



Essays — about

March 9th, 2010 · Comments Off on Essays — about · Essays

Essays are reflective pieces written from time to time and shared with friends and colleagues. You are welcome to share them as well as long as you attach this web-page address to any mailings, so that the recipients can contact me if they chose to.

