Yearly Archives: 2013

Aesthetics of a Structure Week 4 Research


For this week I planned to look up interior color settings and materials used with in a structure. While I was researching colors I knew I had to have an intention on including this with architecture so I decided to look up how colors generates different moods for people in certain settings of a home, individuals color preferences, and specific color meanings. Seeing color and how it can affect an individual in numerous amounts of ways and shades I felt that it was a good idea to research colors. Affecting an individual means that having the right colors for flooring, structural based materials, wall color, and most important having the right selling colors. Another part of this week I looked up material related research.


Room Color summary:

Colors are strong with their emissions that they give off and moods they generate for people, and the reason is because they have an active, passive, and neutral mood feeling state. Color preference can also be related to temperature, people who are cold prefer warm colors like red and yellow while people who are hot prefer cool colors like blue and green. The color red is strongly related to strong energy, and raising of the blood pressure and intimacy between individuals. Yellow stimulates the feeling of joy because it being related to sunshine, therefore I believe yellow and a few lighter or darker shades of yellow can be ideal or the base color for color decision for a kitchen or living area. Having Yellow stimulate joy, it’s a good advantage to have for company. Having the color Blue included in the interior of a building has calm and relaxing sensations but at the same time if natural lighting penetrates to the inside with a pastel blue, it can make you feel colder than you really are. Green being associated with the color of nature, I have already known that green symbolized wealth and natural healing. Green has great healing power that it’s recommended to have green in a room for fertility. Purple was an obvious one, representing royalty/power and sometimes indications of romantic and nostalgic feelings. Neutrals: White, purity and wants to be livened up with other colors. Black, in enclosed spaces it’s bad to have a lot of dark colors because it will make the user feel surrounded by darkness and cause uncomfortable feelings for them and can represent death. For Structural properties colors each color has a different albedo level. Albedo is the reflection rate of the suns rays, for example black is the most absorbent towards the sun.


Room Color and How it Affects Your Mood:

Color Wheel:


Materials Summary:


Concrete Masonry Bearing Walls: 

  • both materials are qualified as noncombustible constructions and rely on their mass for their load-carrying capability. When in wall design and construction height-to-width ratio, lateral stability, and proper placements of expansion joints are critical factors. Concrete walls walls mor e than 10″ thick requires reinforcement in two ayers placed parallel with the faces of the wall. reinforce door and window openings with a minimum of 2 No. 5 bars extending at least 24″ beyond the corners of the opening. Minuimum wall thicknesses 6″ minimum for bearing walls, 4″ minimum for non bearing walls, 6″ minimum for interior walls (un-reinforced), and 8″walls for basement, foundation, fire or party walls. (5.03)

 Metal and Wood Stud Walls

  • When using these materials for studs in the wall the space between each stud is 16″ or 24″. Studs carry vertical loads while sheathing or diagonal bracing stiffens the plane of the wall. Cavities in the wall can be used as insulation fillers and water retarders. A cavity is a hallow spacing (2″- 4 1/2″)between two wall skins that serves as a way to drain this water back out through weep holes at the base of the wall system or above windows. (5.03)

Adobe and Rammed Earth Construction

  • Adobe and rammed-earth both are UN-fired earth materials that are low cost alternatives for other building systems. Many areas of the world using earth materials is an economic necessity. Adobe is nothing more than simple bricks made of sun-dried mud. As a green-building bonus, adobe’s mass helps keep buildings naturally cool in summer and warm in winter, reducing the need for air conditioning and heat. A note that learned a while ago about adobe is that its affected by the weather. Wet climates are more susceptible to have the adobe turn  back to mud or freezing the mud resulting in it thawing of the mud and causing it to crumble,  that is why adobe is considered mainly in warm climates like Latin America. Rammed Earth is mainly a mixture of clay, silt, sand and water that is compressed, shaped and dried in a wall structure. (5.31-5.32)

Wood and properties:

  • CHERRY: Cherry is grown in the Eastern half of the U.S.. It is sometimes called fruit wood. The term fruit wood is also used to describe a light brown finish on other woods.

    Properties: A moderately hard, strong, closed grain, light to red-brown wood, cherry resists warping and checking. It is easy to carve and polish.

    Uses: Cherry veneers and solids are used in a variety of styles. Cherry has been called New England mahogany and is often used to craft 18th century, Colonial and French Provincial designs.


Door Operation Summary:

  • After learning about the different types of doors my options opened up on my SketchUp designs. The different types were based off of door operation style: Swinging the most convenient operation for entry and passage and most effective  door for thermal and acoustic insulation and for weather resistance, Bypass Sliding usually used for visual screening but it also offers 50% of doorway width (closet sliding doors), Surface sliding Similar to bypass sliding door but provides access through full width if doorway, Pocket Sliding doors have pockets that they can be slid into to open and slid back out to close the door, Folding doors fold flat when opened primarily used for closet or storage spaces with a style used to subdivide interior space called the accordion doors. (8.04)

Window Operation Summary:

  • There is a total of 6 window operation styles, and each has its own amount of ventilation that it provides either 0%, 50% or 100% ventilation. The first window operation that doesn’t really have any operation is called Fixed. The next window operation is Casement which provides 100% ventilation by having operating sashes that are side hinged and swing outward and being able to direct ventilation. Awning & Hopper windows are windows with sashes on the top or bottom of the frame inward our outward, they provide 100% ventilation and give LEED Credit: 2 for increased ventilation and 8 for daylight and views in the Indoor Environmental Quality category. Sliding windows give 50% ventilation, Double Hung windows give 50% ventilation, the last two Jalousie and Pivoting give 100%. (8.23)


“Building Construction Illustrated 4th edition” Francis D.K. Ching

Week 3 Design


This week was a bit different, I made request to design a shed in the back of my home to my landlord. She explained to me that the existing shed behind the house has to be tore down, and she would still like to have something to be in the back of the home, so I made an offer to come up with a design of a shed. As I was in the process of modeling it in SketchUp I began to realize that I need to get my detailing skills up meaning in my models need to have the wood frame feature of a structure. So in this design I practiced on framing using shaped joints and I also got a small understanding of the materials used within a wall at the end of this week. So knowing a little bit about the solar geometry of the site I came to a quick and easy to build shed that can have possible future add on’s.







The critique for this design I feel went well and quick, it was a simple idea that couldn’t be too big because of the amount of space behind the house and the elevation it sit on. The element in the design that was focus on in SketchUp was the framing because I felt it was around that time to getting better with the materials and detailing down on them, meaning precising down with the measurements and shapes of the material. So for being the first time working with framing in SketchUp, I feel I’m at a decent foundation of the understanding of frames and need much more understanding with them. At first the main idea for the design of the shed was to “have something that holds something with little of that something”. I thought this to myself because I was relating it to what could go in the back off the house for the current occupiers, but then I it came to me that a shed doesn’t have a stationary function/purpose. With that and only being limited to my imagination and of course the zoning.

The frame was built to be 15′ 7 1/2″ high connected together

using overlapping butt joints molded to make a structural



Since a shed doesn’t have a definite purpose, I decided to turn this one in to a basic multipurpose shed unit. There might not be much to show for it but I have intentions for it to grow with the occupiers. Possible options I thought of were a shed workshop, storage shed and possibly a quest house;

  • Workshop:Outlets, Counters and tool holders will have to be added on around the walls.
  • Storage: Counters and drawers are possible add-ons.
  • Quest House: extra heating and insulation would be required and counter tops are possible.



The extra elevation came about when I was thinking about the purpose of the shed, and made that area the quest home sleep area or a spot to be used in different ways. The window on the extra level I assume that it is too small and can be a tad bit bigger in height so more air circulation can flow through when opened.

  •  The skylight window is missing its window shades that can be adjustable and reachable from the second floor elevation.
  • The shed is 239.168 square feet in total. (BOTTOM:187.3032 sq. ft. TOP: 51.8648 sq. ft.
  • Climate Region6In the coastal region of Washington state the climate is very mild, however in the winter the temperatures are cool and rain is common. Although the skies are frequently overcast, solar heating is still possible because of the small heating load created from the mild temperature fluctuations. There is a high RH level but it does not show significant problems because the it doesn’t coincide with the high summer temperatures. The climate region has large variations in microclimates because of the change in both elevation and distance from the coast, in some areas however the winter winds start to become a problem. And the summers are quite dry and sunny.
    • Climate Priorities
    1. Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
    2. Let the winter sun in (mostly diffused sun because of the clouds) (III)
    3. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)

Climate Regions Week 1 Research

  • Climate Region 1

Has a severe climate of mostly cool and cold temperatures that often drop far below the freezing in winter. Snow is common in most of the regions. Winter winds, which greatly add to winter discomfort usually, form northern and western directions. Since sunshine is available more than 50% of the daylight hours, solar heating is potential. Reflections of the snow can significantly increase winter sun on south facades. The summers in this climate are mild, with short hot periods. The extreme annual temperature range can reach more than 120°F. During the summer the winds are generally southerly and are an asset to achieve comfort; shading is required.

  • Climate Priorities:
  1. Keep heat in and cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  2. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  3. Let the winter sun in (III)
  4. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  5. Use Natural ventilation for summer cooling (V)
  • From Mid-September to Mid-June in this region it is considered too cold. (75%).From Mid-June through the first quarter of July and last quarter of August through the second half of September is the comfortable time period of this region (12%). And the remaining time of July and August is the “too hot” period of the year (13%).
  • Climate Region 2

The northern plains climate is similar to region 1 but is even more severe because this region is far from the effect of the ocean. The main concern is with the winter low temperatures, which are combined with high wind speeds. Summers are very hot, its less o a concern because it is a short time period. The sun is an asset in the winter and a liability in the summer.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep heat in and the cold temperatures out in the winter (I)
  2. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  3. Let the winter sun in (III)
  4. Use thermal mass to reduce day-to-night temperatures swing in the summer (VII)
  5. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  6. Use Natural Ventilation for summer cooling (V)
  • From September through May the region is considered to be too cold (76%) of the year. In the last quarter of June through the first quarter of August is the too hot period of the year (12%). And the rest of June and August is the comfortable periods for the body (12%).
  • Climate Region 3

Similar to Regions 1 and 2 but somewhat more mild winter, the cold winds however is still an important concern. There is a 40% time period during daylight hours that the sun shines, so there is still some potential for solar energy.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep heat in and cold temperatures out in the winter (I)
  2. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  3. Let the winter sun in (III)
  4. Keep hot temperatures out during the summer (VIII)
  5. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  6. Use natural ventilations for summer cooling (V)
  • The first third portion of September until the last third quarter of May is the too cold periods of the region (66%). Last quarter of May through half of June and last third of August through the rest of September is considered the Comfortable periods of the region (14%). Mid-June through mid-August is the too hot time frame of the region (20%)
  • Climate Region 4

Semiarid climate with cold, windy winters and warm, dry summers. Winters are very cold, with frequent but short storms altering with sunny periods. Summer temperatures are high but the humidity is low. Thus the diurnal temperature range is high and summer nights are generally cool.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  2. Let the winter sun in (III)
  3. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  4. Use thermal mass to reduce day-to-night temperature swings in the summer (VII)
  5. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  6. Use evaporative cooling in the summer (IX)
  7. Use natural ventilation for summer cooling (V)
  • First quarter of September until the last third of June is the too cold period of the region (77%). The rest of June through the first third o July with a combination of the last third of August through the remainder of September is the comfortable periods of the climate (12%). The rest of July and August is the too hot period zone of the year (11%).
  • Climate Region 5

In this particular climate it is a semiarid region, you will notice that it’s high in the mountains and mostly on the cold and cool climate zone. Snow is plentiful and maintains ground snow more than half the year. Heating is highly recommended, although sunshine  is available 60% of the daylight hours in winter. Summer comfort is easily achieved by natural ventilation but the nights tend to be cooler because of the high diurnal temperature range.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep the heat in and the cold air out during the winter (I)
  2. Let the winter sun in (III)
  3. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  4. Use thermal mass to reduce day-to-night temperature swings in the summer (VII)
  • Starting at the 2/3 marker of August’s time frame until the first half of July it is considered the too cold zone (92%). The rest of the 8% goes to being in the comfort zones.
  • Climate Region 6

In the coastal region of Washington state the climate is very mild, however in the winter the temperatures are cool and rain is common. Although the skies are frequently overcast, solar heating is still possible because of the small heating load created from the mild temperature fluctuations. There is a high RH level but it does not show significant problems because the it doesn’t coincide with the high summer temperatures. The climate region has large variations in micro climates because of the change in both elevation and distance from the coast, in some areas however the winter winds start to become a problem. And the summers are quite dry and sunny.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  2. Let the winter sun in (mostly diffused sun because of the clouds) (III)
  3. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  • From the last 1/6 frame of August until first 1/16 time of June (79% of the year) is the regions too cold time. The rest of June and August (13%), the last 8% of the year (July) is the too hot zone.
  • Climate Region 7

This regional climate winters are moderately cold, however winter sunshine is plentiful. Because of the low humidity during the hot and dry summer days it causes a large diurnal temperature range, but cool nights are common with rare chance of rain in the summer. Since the climates spring and fall are very comfortable periods and the rest of the year not so much, outdoor living is common. Around the coastal region the climate is moderate in both winter and summer, neither are dominant over the other.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. During the winter keep the heat in and cold temperatures out (I)
  2. Keep hot temperatures out during the summer (VIII)
  3. Let the winter sun in (III)
  4. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  5. Use thermal mass to reduce day-to-night temperature swings during the summer (VII)
  6. Use natural ventilation for cooling in the spring and fall (V)
  7. Use evaporative cooling in the summer (IX)
  8. Protect from the cold winter winds (III)
  • From early October until late May the temperature is too cold (62%), Late May through the month of June and the month of September to early October are the comfortable periods (21%) of the year, and the month of July through August are the summer too hot periods (17%)
  • Climate Region 8

Living in the mid-Atlantic-coast climate is relatively temperate, with very distinctive features of its regions seasons. Summer winds are valuable because its summers are very hot and humid, somewhat cold winters, and during spring and fall are quite pleasant. Summers however, are the wettest of the seasons because thunderstorms are common during that period.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  2. Use natural ventilation for summer cooling (V)
  3. Let the winter sun in (III)
  4. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  5. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  6. Avoid creating additional humidity during the summer (X)
  • Late October through mid-April period (46%) of the year is the too cold zone, the rest of April and October (12%) are the comfort zones, and the too hot zone (42%) occurs between May through September.
  • Climate Region 9– 

This climate is similar to that of region 8 but is more severe in the winter and the summer because its distance from the oceans. Winters are quite cold, with chilling winds from the northwest and summers are hot and humid, with winds often from the southwest.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep the heat in and cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  2. Let the winter sun in (II)
  3. Use natural ventilation for summer cooling (V)
  4. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  5. Protect form the summer sun (IV)
  6. Avoid creating more humidity during the summers (X)
  • From mid-October until md-April the temperature is too cold (52%), rest of April through half May and half of September through the rest of October are the comfortable temperature periods (13%), The rest of May through the first half of September are the uncomfortably hot periods (35%).
  • Climate Region 10

Spring and fall of this region are mostly pleasant with a relative mild climate. Winters are cool with a chilling affect from the wind but are in the northern part of this region. Snow also has frequent occurrences at higher elevations in the southern part of the region. Summers are hot and somewhat humid; however the humidity is low enough to have a fair amount of night cooling to happen.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  2. Use natural ventilation for summer cooling (V)
  3. Let the winter sun in (III)
  4. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  5. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  6. Avoid creating more humidity during the summers (X)
  • Early October through Early May (56% of the year) the weather is too cold, early-May through early June and mid-September through mid-October (16%) are the comfort zone temperatures, and the rest of June through the rest of September are the too hot months of the year (28%).
  • Climate Region 11

The climate of the Southwest desert region have extremely hot and dry summers and moderately cold winters. The skies are clear most of the year, with an annual sunshine of 85%. Since the summers are extremely hot and dry the diurnal temperature range is very large with nights that are often cool. The humidity is below the comfort range most of the year, affecting the design process concerns. April – June are the driest months of the year while August is the wettest.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep hot temperatures out during the summer (VIII)
  2. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  3. Use evaporative cooling in the summer (IX)
  4. Use thermal mass to reduce day-to-night temperature swings during the summer (VII)
  5. Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  6. Let the winter sun in (III)
  7. Use natural ventilation to cool in the spring and fall (VI)
  • Between November and mid-April are the too cold periods (48%), mid-April through the end of May and the end of September through October are the comfortable periods (15%), and at the end of May through most of September are the too hot months of the year.
  • Climate Region 12

In the areas of west Texas and southeast New Mexico the climates are arid with hot summers and cool winters. There is plentiful sunshine, enough (60%) to supply ample solar heating in the winter. In this region the climatic design can have a very beneficial impact on thermal comfort.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Use evaporative cooling in summer (IX)
  2. Let the winter sun in  (III)
  3. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  4. Keep the heat in and cold temperatures out during the winter (I)
  5. Keep the hot temperatures out during the summer (VIII)
  6. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  7. Use natural ventilation or summer cooling (V)
  8. Use thermal mass to reduce day -to-night temperature swings during the summer (VII)
  • From October through April the region is its too cold zone (55%), May and September are the comfortable times of the year (19%), and June through August are the too hot time zones. (26%)
  • Climate Region 13

In the areas of Oklahoma and northern Texas, during the winter you are likely to experience cold weather and hot summers with a northern cool breeze. During the cold winters, passive solar heating will still be available. During the hot summers the humidity will cause an uncomfortable feeling, but over the summer the humidity will drop enabling the effect of natural ventilation with a cool temperature.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Use natural ventilation for cooling in spring and fall (V)
  2. Let the winter sun in (III)
  3. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  4. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  5. Use thermal mass to reduce day –to-night temperature swings in the summer (VII)
  • From the secon half of October through the first half of April (47%) is the too cold zone, the too hot climate zone it starts early- May through mid- September (39%), the rest of April, May, September, and October are the comfort zones of the climate during the year (14%).
  • Climate Region 14

In the gulf coastal area of this region, it has cool but a shorter winter than the other regions. Summers are a much difficult time of the year: the summers are hot, very humid, and long on flat and damp ground (the frequent rainy days of this region causes the climate to be humid also increasing the chance of mildew). A small sea breeze is available during the day (strong), weaker at night, and nonexistent during the morning and evening because the wind changes its direction.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Allow natural ventilation to both cool and remove excess moisture in the summer (VI)
  2. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  3. Avoid creating additional humidity during the summer (X)
  4. Let the winter sun in (III)
  5. Protect from the cold winter winds (II)
  • November through February (36%) are the periods in the year of cold discomfort, late March and early October through the rest of the month are the periods of temperature comfort in the year, and late-March through early-October is the period of heat discomfort in the year (52% of the year)
  • Climate Region 15

This regions climate is similar to region 14, but with a more severe summer, one will experience very high temperature and humidity levels. Having high humidity levels causes the temperature at night to remain stable (temperature not dropping), however that are frequent occurrences of a coastal breeze in the summer. Winters are short and mild with ample sunshine for winter heating needs; however the designer’s main concern is overheating in the summer.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Keep hot temperatures out during the summer (VIII)
  2. Allow natural ventilation to both cool and remove excess moisture in the summer (VI)
  3. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  4. Avoid creating additional humidity during the summer (X)
  5. Protect from the sum cod winter winds (II)
  6. Let the winter sun in (III)
  7. Keep the heat in and the cool temperatures out during the winter (I)
  • In the time frame of December through March is the too cold zone during the year (34%), from late-April through early-November heat discomfort occur (54%), and the rest of April and November are the only comfortable times in the region (11%).
  • Climate Region 16

This region mainly consist of southern Florida because of its different climatic conditions. Florida has long, hot summers and no winter. When the slightly high temperatures combine with the high humidity levels high heat discomfort will persist because of the summer temperatures. However because of its coastal region its climate has a beneficial wind from the ocean that causes year round comfort.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Open the building to the outdoors since temperatures are comfortable much of the year (XI)
  2. Protect from the summer sun (IV)
  3. Allow natural ventilation to both cool and remove excess moisture most of the year (VI)
  4. Avoid creating additional humidity (X)
  5. Keep the hot temperatures out during the summer (VIII)
  6. Keep the heat in and the cool temperatures out during the winter (I)
  • Because of the long periods of summer feeling this region has low cold discomfort from January until early-March (11% of the year is too cold). Heat discomfort begins late-April and ends around late-November (69% of the year). The last 20% of the year in March, April, late-November, and December are the comfortable time periods of the year in southern Florida.
  • Climate Region 17

The semiarid climate is very mild because of the almost constant cool winds from the ocean. Although these onshore winds bring high humidity, comfort is maintained because of the low temperatures. Occasionally when the wind reverses, hot desert air enters the region. Because this air is dry, comfort is still maintained. There is a sharp increase in temperature and a decrease in humidity as one leaves the coast. Winter temperatures are very moderate and little heating is required. The rain falls mainly in the winter, since there is almost no rain during the summer few plants can grow year round without irrigation. Since sunshine is plentiful all year, solar heating, especially for hot waters very advantageous.

  • Climate Priorities
  1. Open the building to the outdoors since temperatures are comfortable most of the year
  2. Protect from the summer sun
  3. Let the winter sun in
  4. Use natural ventilation for summer cooling
  5. Use thermal mass to reduce day-tonight- temperature swings in the summer
  • From December to the first third of March is usually the “too cold” time period for the region (28%). From the rest of March through the end of July and from September to November are the comfortable temperature level in for this region it’s calculated to be 64% of the year. During the whole month of August the temperature level is averaged to be too hot (8%) of the year.




“Heating, Cooling and Lighting 4th Edition” Lechner


History Research Week 1 Research



  • Originates in Southeast Asian, showing its cultural perspectives after 8,000 BC – 2,000 BC. Mainly constructed of a walk and a roof made from stone and dirt and were single floor structures. Stone Henge is one of the most famous examples of Neolithic architecture, or the society of Skara Brae. Neolithic Architecture is one of the oldest and simple basic needs of a home (roof over your head).
  • Ancient Egyptian Architecture Neolithic Architecture (stone age)
    • This Fantastic era of architecture catches my attention and respect for the Egyptian generations because, of the dedication, the soul, and life put into their progressive monuments. History says that the first erected pyramid dated back since 2530 BCE-2611 BCE with up to 90,000 people that worked on the great Pyramid of Djoser. The primary building materials applied on their structures were sun baked mud brick and stone with options of limestone, sandstone or even granite with a scarce supply of wood. Even though their still exist Egyptian monuments many of the structures were flooded from the water of the Nile River that was used to make the mud material. Even though the flood destroyed many communities some prevailed and were left to continue as today’s historical monument which is why I applaud this style. I enjoy its character because the purity in its materials, the beautiful hieroglyphs and the simplicity in a hot and dry climate.
  • Greek Architecture
    • The style of great wisdom and power the gods lived a wonderful life of symbolic meaning that I would enjoy to experience. Ancient Greek architecture is well known from Athena (Parthenon Acropolis), Zeus (Temple of Zeus at Cyrene), Poseidon (Temple of Poseidon at Sounion) and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Greece was divided into two eras, the Hellenic (900 BC-323 BC) ending with Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic (323 BC- AD 30) eras. Following up with eras the civilization was divided into the Minoan and the Mycenaean; Minoan skills in pottery and richly decorated palaces and the citadels, fortifications and tombs were picked up from the Mycenaean’s. Later in history as the Romans conquered Greece they redeveloped their skills to finish where Greek left off with the arch and dome which has big influence on modern day’s structures sill.
  • Southern Asia’s architecture
    • This region of architecture was a progressive development to gather ideas from its pre-Islamic predecessor such the geometrical and repetitive shapes and forms and the surfaces that were decorated with glazed tiles, carved stucco, patterned brickwork, and calligraphy. Traveling down to Eastern Asia we go into the Bronze Age era well known for its horizontal and vertical temple appearances complimented by its well-chosen decision on roofing style to show to show architectural progression in Asia.
  • European and Colonial architecture
    • Colonial architecture and the renaissance period I see as my favorite because it has connection with one of my favorite writers, Shakespeare, and because it is the golden age for the architecture progression. This period is widely known for its castle like appearance and/or Queen and Kingship democracy. During the Medieval period its architecture frame was integrated with revived concepts from the Greek and Roman time period. The structures that were designed were fortified castles for its military uses, high constructed cathedrals and spacious dome like hall rooms with the beginning of semi-circular arches. The eras color scheme is kind of dull, but it’s not too bright or too dark and its schematic design is very influential to our current designs.




Strategies for Climate Priorities:


  1. Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the summer

    1. Avoid building on cold northern slopes
    2. Build on the middle of slopes to avoid both the pools of cold air at the bottom and the high winds at the top of hills
    3. Use a compact design with a minimum surface-area-to-volume ratio (for example use two story buildings instead of one)
    4. Build attached or clustered buildings to minimize the number of exposed walls
    5. Use earth sheltering in the form of underground or bermed structures
    6. Place buffer spaces that have lower temperature requirements (closets, storage rooms, stairs, garages, gymnasiums, heavy work areas, etc.) along the north wall. Place a sun space buffer room on the south
    7. Use temperature zoning by both space and time since some spaces can be kept cooler than others at all times or at certain times. (Bedrooms can be kept cooler during the day, and living rooms can be kept cooler at night when everyone is asleep.)
    8. Minimize the window area on all orientations except south
    9. Use double or triple glazing, low-e coatings, and movable insulations on windows
    10. Use plentiful insulation in walls, on roofs, under floors, over crawl spaces, on foundation walls, and around slab edges
    11. Insulation should be a continuous envelope to prevent heat bridges. Avoid structural elements that are exposed on the exterior since they pierce the insulation. Avoid fireplaces and other masonry elements that penetrate the insulation layer
    12. Place doors on fireplaces to prevent heated room air from escaping through the chimney. Supply fireplaces and stoves with outdoor combustion air
  2. Protect from the cold winter winds

    1. Avoid windy locations like hilltops
    2. Use evergreen vegetation to create windbreaks
    3. Use garden walls to protect the building and especially the entrances from cold winds
    4. In very windy areas, keep buildings close to the ground
    5. Use compact designs to minimize the surface area exposed to the wind
    6. Use streamlined shapes with rounded corners to both deflect the wind and minimize the surface-area-to volume ration
    7. Cluster buildings for mutual wind protection
    8. Use long sloping roofs , as in the New England saltbox houses, to deflect the wind over the building to create sheltered zones on the sunny side
    9. Place garages and other utility spaces on the winter windward side. Tis is usually the north, northwest, and northeast side of the building
    10. Use sun spaces and glazed-in porches as windbreaks
    11. Use earth sheltering or build in hallows. Also, the wind can be deflected by earth berms built against the wall or by constructing protective earth banks a short distance from the building
    12. Minimize openings, especially on the side facing the winter winds, and place the main entry on the leeward side
    13. Use storm windows, storm doors, air locks (vestibules), and revolving doors to minimize infiltration
    14. Close all attic and crawl space vents
    15. Use tight construction, caulking, and weather stripping to minimize infiltration. Use high-quality operable windows and doors
    16. Place outdoor courtyards on the south side of the building
    17. In winter, even windows in freestanding garden walls should be closed to protect the enclosure from the cold winds
    18. In snow country, use snow fences and windscreens to keep snow form blocking entries an south facing windows
  3. Let the winter sun in

    1. Build on south, southeast, or southwest slopes.
    2. Check for solar access that might be blocked by landforms, vegetation, and manmade structures
    3. Avoid trees on the south side of the building
    4. Use only deciduous trees on the southeast and southwest sides
    5. Also, use deciduous trees on the east and west sides if winter is very long
    6. The long axis of the building should run east-west
    7. Most windows should face south
    8. Use south-facing clerestories and dormers instead of skylights
    9. Place spaces that benefit the most from solar heating along the south wall. Spaces that benefit the least should be along the north wall (storage rooms, grarages)
    10. Use an open floor plan to enable sun and sun-warmed air to penetrate throughout the building
    11. Use direct-gain, trombe walls and sunspaces for effective passive solar heating
    12. Use thermal mass on the interior to absorb and store solar radiation
    13. Use light-colored patios pavements, or land surfaces to reflect additional sunlight through windows
    14. Use specular reflectors (polished aluminum) to reflect additional sunlight through windows
    15. Use active solar collectors for domestic hot water, swimming pool heating, space heating, and process heat for industry
    16. If there I little or no summer overheating, use dark colors on exterior walls (especially the south walls)
    17. Create sunny but wind protected outdoor spaces on the south side of the building
  4. Protect from the summer sun

    1. Avoid building on the east and especially west slopes. North slopes are best if solar heating is not require in the winter while south slopes are best if solar heating is desirable in the winter
    2. Use plants for shading. Evergreen trees can be used on the east, west and north sides of a building. Deciduous plants are most appropriate for shading the southeast, the southwest, and the roof.
    3. Avoid light-colored ground covers around the building to minimize reflected light entering windows unless day-light is an important strategy. Living ground covers are best because they do not heat the air while they absorb solar radiation
    4. Have neighboring buildings shade each other. Tall buildings with narrow alleys between them work best
    5. Avoid reflections from adjacent structures that have while walls and/or reflective glazing
    6. Build attached houses or clusters to minimize the number of exposed walls
    7. Use free-standing or wing walls to shade the east, west, and north walls
    8. Use the form of the building to shade itself (cantilever floors, balconies, courtyards)
    9. Avoid east and especially west windows if at all possible. Minimize the size and number of any east and west windows that are necessary. Project windows on the east and west facades so that they face n a northerly or southerly directions
    10. Use only vertical glazing. Any horizontal or sloped lazing should be shaded on the outside during the summer. Only skylights on the steel northern roofs do not require exterior shading
    11. Use exterior shading devices on all windows except north windows in cool climates
    12. Shade not only windows but also east and especially west walls. In very hot climate also shade the south wall
    13. Use a double or second roof (ice house roof), with the pace between the roofs well ventilated, use a parasol roof
    14. Use shaded outdoor spaces, such as porches and carports to protect the south, east and especially west facades
    15. Use open rather than solid shading devices to prevent trapping hot air nxt to the windows
    16. Use vines on trellises or shading
    17. Use moveable shading devices that can retract  to all full winter sun penetration and more daylight on cloudy summer days
    18. Use highly reflective building surface (white is best). The roof and west wall are the most critical
    19. Use exterior shading devices in addition to exterior shading devices
    20. Use selective glazing to reduce heat gain but still allow views and day lighting
    21. Place outdoor courtyards, which are intended for summer use, on the north side of the building. The east side is the next best choice
  5. Use natural ventilation for summer cooling

    1. Night ventilation that is used to cool the building in preparation for the next day is called “night flush cooling” and is described under priority VII
    2. Natural ventilation that cools people by passing air over their skin is called “comfort ventilation”
    3. Site and orient the building to capture the prevailing winds
    4. Direct and channel winds toward the building by means of the landscaping and landforms
    5. Keep building far enough apart to allow full access to the desirable winds
    6. In mild climates here winters are not very cold and summer temperatures are not extremely high, use a non-compact shape for maximum cross-ventilation
    7. Elevate the main living space since wind velocity increases with the height above ground
    8. Use high ceilings, two story spaces, and open stairwells for vertical air movement and for the benefits  of stratification
    9. Provide cross-ventilation by using large windows on both the windward and leeward sides of the building
    10. Use fin walls to direct air through the windows
    11. Use a combination of high and low openings to take advantage of the stack effect
    12. Use roof openings to vent both the attic and the whole building. Use openings, such as monitors, cupolas, dormers, roof turrets, ridge vents, gable vents, and soffit vents
    13. Use porches to create cool outdoor space s and to protect open windows from sun and rain
    14. Use a double or parasol roof with sufficient clearance to allow the wind to ventilate the hot air collecting between the two roofs
    15. Use high-quality operable windows with good seals to allow summer ventilation while preventing winter infiltration
    16. Use an open floor plan for maximum air flow. Minimize the use of partitions
    17. Keep transoms and doors open between rooms
    18. Use a solar chimney to move air vertically through a building on calm, sunny days
    19. Use operable windows or moveable panels in garden walls to maximize the summer ventilation of a site while allowing protection against the winter winds
  6. Allow natural ventilation to both cool and remove excess moisture in the summer

    1. All strategies from priority V apply
    2. Elevate the main living floor above the high humidity found near the ground
    3. Use plants sparsely. Minimize low trees, shrubbery, and ground cores to enable air to circulate through the site to remove moisture. Use only trees that have a high canopy
    4. Avoid deep basement that cannot be ventilated
  7. Use thermal mass to reduce da-to-night temperature swings in the summer

    1. This cooling strategy is also knwown as “night flush”because the thermal mass is usually cooled with night ventilation
    2. Use massive construction materials since they hae a high heat capacity. Use materias such as brick, concrete, stone, and adobe
    3. Pplace insulation on the outside of the thermal mass
    4. If massive materialas are also to be used on the outside, sandwich the insulation between the inside and outside walls
    5. Use earth or rock in direct contact with the uninsulated walls
    6. Keep daytime hot air out of the building by closing all openings
    7. Open the building at night to allow cool air to enter. Use the strategies of natural ventilation, listed above in priority V, to maximize the night cooling of the thermal mass
    8. Use water as a thermal mass because of its high heat capacity. Use containers that maximize heat transfer into and out of the water
    9. Use radiant or evaporative cooling for additional temperature drop in the thermal mass at night
    10. Use mechanical equipment at night when it is most efficient to create a heat sink. By cooling the building at night the cool theral mass can soak up heat the next day
    11. Use earth sheltering to maximize the benefits of mass
  8. Keep hot temperatures out during the summer

    1. Use compact designs to minimize the surface-area-to volume ratio
    2. Build attached house to minimize the number of exposed walls
    3. Use vegetation and shade structures to maintain cool ambient air around the building and to prevent reflecting sunlight into the windows
    4. Use earth sheltering in the form of underground or bermed structure
    5. Use plenty of insulation in the building envelope
    6. Use few and small windows to keep heat out
    7. Use exterior window sheltering shutters in hot climates use double glazing and in very hot climates also use moveable insulation over windows during the day when a space is unoccupied
    8. Isolate sources of heat in a separate room, wing, or building
    9. Zone building so that certain spaces are cooled only while occupied
    10. Use light-colored roofs and wall to reflect the sun’s heat
  9. Use evaporative cooling in the summer

    1. Locate pools or fountains in the building, in a courtyard, or in the path of incoming winds
    2. Use transpiration by plants to cool the air both indoors and outdoors
    3. Spray water on roof, walls, and patios to cool these surfaces
    4. Pass incoming air through a curtain of water or a wet fabric
    5. Use a roof pond or another “indirect evaporative cooling” system
    6. Use an “evaporative cooler” This simple and inexpensive mechanical device uses very little electrical energy
  10. Avoid creating additional humidity during the summer

    1. Do not use evaporative cooling strategies In humid climates
    2. Use underground or drop rather than spray irrigation
    3. Avoid pools and fountains
    4. Keep the area around the building dry by providing the proper drainage of land channel runoff water from the roof and paved areas away from the site
    5. Use permeable paving materials to prevent puddles on the surface
    6. Minimize plant especially indoors, use plants that add little water to the air by transpiration. Such plants are usually native to dry climates. Use trees that have a high canopy
    7. Shade plants and pools of water both indoors and out because the heat of the sun greatly increase the rate of transpiration and evaporation
    8. Use exhaust fans in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, etc., to remove excess moisture
  11. Open the building to the outdoors since temperatures are comfortable much of the year

    1. Create outdoor space with different orientations for use at different times of the year. For example, use outdoor spaces on the south side in the winter and on the north side in the summer
    2. Create outdoor living areas that are sheltered from the hot summer sun and cool winter winds
    3. Use noncompact building deigns for maximum contact with the outdoors. Use an articulated building with many extensions or wings to create outdoor living spaces
    4. Use large areas oof operable windows, doors, and even moveable walls to increase contact with the outdoors
    5. Create pavilion-like buildings that have few interior partitions and minimal exterior walls


“Heating, Cooling, Lighting Sustainable Design Methods for Architects”- Norbert Lechner


Climate Week 2 Research

  • Climate

    • The determining factor of figuring out a climate or its average weather is understanding the suns angles (latitude) tropic, temperate, and artic zones. Because the atmosphere is almost completely invisible to solar energy from the sun the main heating of the air occurs at the earth’s surface. A global north-south flow of air is generated because the equator is heated more than the poles, the flow can alter because of the changes in seasons and the rotation of the earth. The rotation of the Earth deflects the north-south air currents by an effect known as the “Coriolis Force”. (In physics, the Coriolis Effect is a deflection of moving objects when they are viewed in a rotating reference frame. In a reference frame with clockwise rotation, the deflection is to the left of the motion of the object; in one with counter-clockwise rotation, the deflection is to the right.) Another factor of climate and the wind is the uneven distribution of landmasses on the globe; because of its higher heat capacity water does not heat up or cool down as fast as the land. Mountain ranges not only block advert winds but also have a major effect on the moisture content of the air. [For example over the Pacific Ocean solar radiation evaporates water and the air becomes more humid, the westerly winds blow this moist air overland, where it is forced up over the north-south mountain ranges. As it rises it cools down at a rate of 3.6°F for every 1000ft (300m) when the temperature drops, the relative humidity (RD) increases until it reaches 100 %. Any additional cooling will cause the moisture to condense in the form of clouds, rain, or snow. Along the mountain side because during the day the mountain surface heats up faster than the free air around it the warm air direction moves along the slopes during the days and down during the night because the mountain surface cools by radiation more quickly than the free air.
    • Micro climate

      • A micro climate is noticed when the local climate is not matching with the climate region. If buildings are to relate to their environment the factors that are responsible for making the micro climate deviate from the macro climate are:
        • Elevation above the sea level, the steeper the slope of the land the faster the temperature will drop with an increase in elevation.
        • Forms of land, South-facing slopes are warmer than north-facing because they receive much more solar radiation due to the solstices and angle of the Earth. During the winter cold the South-facing slopes are protected from the cold because the winter winds usually blow in from the north, West slopes are warmer than east slopes because the period of high solar radiation bodies of water have a significant effect on temperature that generate daily breezes.
        • Soil types, for the soil the water, color and heat capacity plays a role when determining the micro climate a well. Evaporation from the soil cools the air above the ground. Light colored sand can reflect large amounts of sunlight but at the same time it increases the radiation load on people or the buildings because o their high heat capacity. Rocks absorb the heat during the day and are released at night.
        • Vegetation, shading and transpiration plants can reduce the air temperature and ground temperatures and also increase humidity even if it is already too high. Evapotranspiration is the term used to describe evaporation from the soil and transpiration (the passage of gases through fine tubes because of differences in pressure or temperature.) from plants. The idea for the hotter climates is to have high canopy trees for protection from the sun and no low plants so that the breeze would not get blocked or lowered. Colder climates plants can reduce the cooling breeze effect from the wind,
        • Man-made Structures, the construction done by man plays a more controllable climate role for a micro climate because the schematics that are planned (buildings, streets, parking lots) have different characteristics than what is natural. (size mass and color)
      • Relative Humidity
        • Evaporation of skin moisture that gets absorbed by the dry air causing rapid evaporation that will effectively cool the body. Low relative humidity levels causes the dry noses, mouths, eyes, and skin and increases in respiratory illnesses. High humidity reduces the evaporating cooling rate but also causes high rate of mildew growth.
        • Mean Radiant temperature: the surface radiant fluctuations. (reach of temperature fluctuations)

Hours of Daylight per Day (15th day of each Month)





January 10:25 9:39 8:33
February 11:09 10:43 10:07
March 11:58 11:55 11:51
April 12:53 13:15 13:45
May 13:39 14:23 15:24
June 14:04 15:00 16:21
July 13:54 14:45 12:57
August 13:14 13:46 14:30
September 12:22 12:28 12:39
October 11:28 12:28 12:39
November 10:39 9:59 9:04
December 10:14 9:21 8:06

Climatic Region Information:

Köppen Climate Classification System

The Köppen Climate Classification System is the most widely used for classifying the world’s climates. Most classification systems used today are based on the one introduced in 1900 by the Russian-German climatologist Wladimir Köppen. Köppen divided the Earth’s surface into climatic regions that generally coincided with world patterns of vegetation and soils.

  • The Köppen system recognizes five major climate types based on the annual and monthly averages of temperature and precipitation. Each type is designated by a capital letter.

    • A – Moist Tropical Climates are known for their high temperatures year round and for their large amount of year round rain.
    • B – Dry Climates are characterized by little rain and a huge daily temperature range. Two subgroups, S– semiarid or steppe, and W – arid or desert, are used with the B climates.
    • C – In humid Middle Latitude Climates land/water differences play a large part. These climates have warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters.
    • D – Continental Climates can be found in the interior regions of large land masses. Total precipitation is not very high and seasonal temperatures vary widely.
    • E – Cold Climates describe this climate type perfectly. These climates are part of areas where permanent ice and tundra are always present. Only about four months of the year have above freezing temperatures.
  • Further subgroups are designated by a second lower case letter which distinguishes specific seasonal characteristics of temperature and precipitation.

    • f – Moist with adequate precipitation in all months and no dry season. This letter usually accompanies the AC, and D climates.
    • m – Rainforest climate in spite of short, dry season in monsoon type cycle. This letter only applies to A climates.
    • – There is a dry season in the summer of the respective hemisphere (high-sun season).
    • w – There is a dry season in the winter of the respective hemisphere (low-sun season).
  • To further denote variations in climate, a third letter was added to the code.

    • a – Hot summers where the warmest month is over 22°C (72°F). These can be found in C and D climates.
    • – Warm summer with the warmest month below 22°C (72°F). These can also be found in C and D climates.
    • c – Cool, short summers with less than four months over 10°C (50°F) in the C and D climates.
    • d – Very cold winters with the coldest month below -38°C (-36°F) in the D climate only.
    • h – Dry-hot with a mean annual temperature over 18°C (64°F) in B climates only.
    • k – Dry-cold with a mean annual temperature less than 18°C (64°F) in B climates only.

Environment/Community Week 3 Research


  • Site analysis is the process of studying the contextual forces that influence how we might situate a building, layout and orient its spaces, shape and articulate its enclosure and establish its relationships to the landscape. Any survey begins with the gathering of the physical site data. Below are guidelines that are recommended to follow from the “”Building Construction Illustrated 4th edition” book:
  • Draw the area and shape of the site as defined by its legal boundaries.
  • Indicate required setbacks, existing easements, and rights-of-ways.
  • Estimate the area and volume required for the building program, site amenities, and future expansion, if desired.
  • Analyze the ground slopes and subsoil conditions to locate the areas suitable for construction and outdoor actives
  • Identify steep and moderate slopes that may be unsuitable for development
  • Locate soil areas suitable for use as a drainage field, if applicable.
  • Map existing drainage patterns. (LEED SS Credit 6: Storm water design)
  • Determine the elevation of the water table
  • Identify areas subject to excessive runoff of surface water, flooding, or erosion
  • Locate existing trees and native plant materials that should be preserved
  • Chart existing water features, such as wetlands, streams, watersheds, flood plains, or shorelines that should be protected (LEED SS Credit 5: Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat)
  • Map climatic conditions: the path of the sun, the direction of prevailing winds, and the expected amount of rainfall
  • Consider the impact of landforms and adjacent structures on solar access, prevailing winds, and the potential for glare
  • Evaluate solar radiation as a potential energy source
  • Determine possible points of access from public roadways and public transit stops. (LEED SS Credit 4: Alternative Transportation)
  • Study possible circulation paths for pedestrians and vehicles from these access points to building entrances
  • Ascertain the availability of utilities: water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, gas lines, electrical power lines, telephone and cable lines, and fire hydrants
  • Determine access to other municipal services, such as police and fire protection
  • Identify the scope of desirable views as well as objectionable views
  • Cite potential sources of congestion and noise
  • Evaluate the compatibility of adjacent and proposal land uses
  • Map cultural and historical resources that should be preserved
  • Consider how the existing scale and character of the neighborhood or area might affect the building design
  • Map the proximity to public, commercial, medical, and recreational facilities. (LEED SS Credit 2: Development Density & Community Connectivity)


  • Topography refers to understanding the configuration and surface features of a plot of land. Below are ways of understanding topography:
    • Contour lines are imaginary lines joining points of equal elevation above a datum or bench mark. The trajectory of each contour line indicates the shape of the land formation at that elevation. Note that contour lines are continuous and never cross one another; they coincide in a plan view only when they cut across a vertical surface.
    • Contour interval refers to the difference in elevation represented by any two adjacent contour lines on a topographic map or site plan. The interval used determines by the scale of a drawing., the size of the site and the nature of the topography. The larger the area and the steeper the slopes, the greater the interval between contours. For large and steeply sloping site, 20’ or 40’ (5 or 10 m) contour intervals may be used. For small sites having relatively gradual slope, 1’, 2’ or 5’ (o.5 or 0.1 m) contours may be necessary.


  • Contours spaced far apart indicate a relatively flat or gentle sloping surface

  • Equally spaced contours denote a constant slope.
  • Closely spaced contours disclose a relatively steep rise in elevation
  • Contour lines represent a ridge when pointing toward lower elevations; they represent a valley when pointing toward higher elevations

    • Ground slopes o
      ver 25% are subject to erosion and are difficult to build on
    • Ground slopes over 10% are challenging to use for outdoor activities and are more expensive to build on
    • Ground Slopes from 5% to 10% are suitable for informal outdoor activities and can be built on without too much difficulty
    • Ground slopes up to 5% are usable fr most outdoor activities and relatively easy to build on


Providing Shade

  • The amount of solar radiation obstructed or filtered by a tree depends on its:
    • Orientation to the sun
    • Proximity to a building or outdoor space
    • Shape, Spread, height
    • Density of foliage and branch structure
    • Trees Shading a building or outdoor space most effectively from the southeast during the morning and the southwest during the late afternoon when the sun has a low altitude and casts long shadows.
    • South facing-facing overhangs provide more efficient shading during the midday period when the sun is high and casts short shadows
    • Deciduous trees provide shade and glare protection during the summer and allow solar radiation to penetrate through their branch structures during the winter
    • Evergreens provide shade throughout the year and help reduce snow glare during the winter
  • Serving as Windbreak

    • Evergreens can form effective windbreaks and reduce heat loss from a building during the winter
    • The foliage of plant materials reduces  wind-blown dust
  • Defining Space

    • Trees can shape outdoor spaces for activity and movement
  • Directing or Screening Views

    • Trees can frame desirable views
    • They can also screen undesirable views and provide privacy for outdoor spaces
  • Attenuating Sound

    • A combination of deciduous and evergreen trees is most effective n intercepting and attenuating airborne sound, especially when combined with earth mounds
  • Improving Air Quality

    • Trees trap particulate matter on their leaves, which is then washed to the ground during rainfall
    • Leaves can also assimilate gaseous and other pollutants
    • Photosynthesis process can metabolize fumes and other odors
  • Stabilizing Soil

    • The root structures of trees aid in stabilizing soil, increasing the permeability of the soil to water and a, and preventing erosion



“Building Construction Illustrated 4th edition” Francis  D.K. Ching


Week 2 Design

For this week’s design I have followed up on including feedback from critique of the previous week into the design/ animation shown. “A house isn’t just a stand alone structure, it needs furniture” said during the critique, from that I began to include the life and elements that you live with, within it. The shape was inspired by the effects and presentation brought by Mediterranean structures.



The South Face  and North Face  are a bit off with some windows; one of the windows would go on the first floor in the bathroom wall, maybe a 2′ x 1′ window not sure about it. On the North face it is not complete fully yet, there are needs of windows on the north curve wall first and second floors. During the critique there was a small debate on on the size of the top floor porch and removal and/or additional porch space to the bedrooms. The East and West facing walls are in need of more windows as well.





This design was also thought out and influenced by another comment from the critique which was “use curves” and to try and find my style of design. After gathering up ideas for the design and continuing in SketchUp, it was often that the schematics or the design of an area would change because I didn’t have all the climatic conditions and the region of the the US that it was located in. I decided that it would be on the coastal region of California because I was browsing Mediterranean architecture which helped influence the design. Using the “Heating, Cooling, Lighting Sustainable Design Methods for Architects” textbook as a resource for the climate of California’s coast.


Living Room Area:

Not the final decision for the layout because there were other ideas available but I couldn’t decide which one to go with so I went with a basic, plain and simple layout.


The primary idea for the kitchen was for it to be round with a centered round island, but I assumed that it would make the home to round and I was running behind on schedule with other parts of the project.

Bathroom- Laundry Section:

I’m aware that the space for the laundry is a bit too small, that’s because it was a late and forgotten installment while I was at the end of the design. The bathroom on the First floor can use another window not to big, and the existing one now is a frosted window (window coating to prevent you from seeing out or others from seeing in. These windows give the room light without allowing neighbors to see into your personal space.) Another idea for windows around the home was to use glass block windows (Windows that distort the image of whatever is on the other side. In addition, they’re easy to clean and maintain.)

 First Floor 1230. 5785 square feet

Second Floor 1741.0231 square feet

Climate Region 17

The semiarid climate is very mild because of the almost constant cool winds from the ocean. Although these onshore winds bring high humidity, comfort is maintained because of the low temperatures. Occasionally when the wind reverses, hot desert air enters the region. Because this air is dry, comfort is still maintained. There is a sharp increase in temperature and a decrease in humidity as one leaves the coast. Winter temperatures are very moderate and little heating is required. The rain falls mainly in the winter, since there is almost no rain during the summer few plants can grow year round without irrigation. Since sunshine is plentiful all year, solar heating, especially for hot waters very advantageous.

§  Climate Priorities

1.      Open the building to the outdoors since temperatures are comfortable most of the year

2.      Protect from the summer sun

3.      Let the winter sun in

4.      Use natural ventilation for summer cooling

5.      Use thermal mass to reduce day-tonight- temperature swings in the summer

One of the design’s main elements I wanted to include was a natural air ventilation for the summer by including many windows and having the south face of the structure face towards the ocean. In the atmosphere since air movement is influenced by large bodies of water the plan is to use the ocean as an advantage to generate a natural ventilation effect from the ocean breezes. Another element was to make sure that the air flow in the home was smooth and had no interference in its path  transitioning through the floors of the home  and the kitchen. Another main thing was the protection from the sun while enjoying the weather outside with the family.

Project Schedule*

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Week 1 Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects
Visual: Air Control
Research: History Architectural Buildings, Regions

Week 2 Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects
Visual: FeedBck Design/ Mediterranean
Research: Climates Research, Weather,  Heating Cooling and Lighting strategies

Week 3 Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects
Visual: Shed
Research: Site Selection/Planning, Sustainability

Week 4 Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects, Building Codes Illustrated
Visual: Tiny House Visual
Research: Tiny House Movement, Colors, Materials

Week 5 Reading: Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects, Building Codes Illustrated
Visual: LEED Certified Building
Research: Whats LEED Certification, LEED Certified Structures

Week 6 Catch Up Week Catch Up Week Catch Up Week Catch Up Week Catch Up Week
Museum Visit
Week 7 Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects, Building Codes Illustrated
Visual: Final Project
Research: Rural Studios, BCRA, BLRB Museum Visit

Week 8 Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects
Visual: Final Project
Research: Styles of Design

Week 9 Reading: Building Construction Illustrated, Heating, Cooling and Light sustainable design for Architects
Visual: Final Project
Research: Frank Lloyd Wright

Week 10 Visual: Final Project

Week 1 Design

Starting off of the programs project, on the first Tuesday meeting the class discussed each others projects and received feedback and or ideas that can further the project. On Tuesday of week to we had our first critique of the quarter, and I think went by smooth for everyone including myself. For week one’s design I decided to model a basic design in SketchUp with the concept of better airflow inside the home.


Pretty Simple design? It is still unfinished I have to install some more windows and the doors and record the dimensions.

Rooms: Two rooms that sit side to side one with a sliding door (226.1798 Feet ²) and one with a curved pan window (222.9826 Feet ²)

Bath: First floor of the home let of the entrance a 117.4019 Feet ² bathroom containing laundry machines and one on the second floor also with a curved pan window with 118.5636 Feet ²

Kitchen: 229.454 Feet ²

Living Room: 274.9566 Feet ²

These first two images are of the second floor, the next two are the first first floor. The blue lines on a bird’s perspective are to show the air circulation through the home. I’m aware that its missing windows, those areas that are missing windows are locations or location ideas of a window. For being the first assignment I think my presentation went 5/10, and after the critique I decided to let my designs evolve from feedback and the weeks lessons.