February 15 Rallies Present Opposing Views

Today dueling interests made appearances at the state capitol to advocate for revenue reform. At 10:00 the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party contingency rallied against any new tax increases, citing corruption, greed and Federal bailouts as the culprits of the financial fallout of the last three years while demanding that the citizens of Washington state not be taxed further. Petitions for Tim Eyeman’s newest initiative – to address the recent legislative overturning of Initiative 960 – circulated among the crowd. At noon, as many as three times as many protesters rallied under the banner of YES! To Revenue cited corruption, greed and Federal bailouts while demanding that new revenue be generated to save vulnerable social programs. A diverse group of students, state employees, union advocates and radical groups collected on the capitol steps mere hours after the TEA Party to advocate for, among other things, a state income tax.

Both groups had legislative supporters, with Seattle Senator Ed Murray, Democratic caucus chair, asking the estimated 6,000 gathered at noon to “support revenue in November” when potential tax increase proposals would make their way to voters, or when Democrat supporters of tax increases may be up for re-election.

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