Legislature Moves Bills as Deadline Looms and Governor Signs Cost Savings Bills into Law

Today Governor Gregoire signed three bills  intended to provide costs savings into law – House Bill 2998, House Bill 2921, and Senate Bill 6382 and the Senate and the House continued their long hours on the floor.

The bills signed by the Governor seek additional state savings by suspending state employee monetary performance-based awards through June 30, 2011; modifying appropriations for 2009-11 (does not impact Evergreen) by reducing approprations by $45.4 million; and continuing the freeze on salary and wage increases for exempt and Washington Management Service (WMS) employees of state agencies and institutions of higher learning is extended through June 30, 2011.

The House and Senate moved more bills forward in the legislative process ranging from greener cleaning products in state facilities to state information systems.

House Bill 2818 requires state agencies to purchase and use cleaning products having properties that minimize potential impacts to human health and the environment. HB 2818 passed with a vote of 73-25. Evergreen supports this bill which carries forth the sustainable practices in place at the College to other state agencies. 

Senate Bill 6579 creates the Information Systems Improvement Committee to develop recommendations for improving information technology and systems across state and local governments, and develop an action plan to build consensus and support for the recommendations. A report of the Committee’s work is due September 2011. Sb 6579 passed with a vote of 48-0.

Finally, two bills were introduced – HB 3185 and SB 6857 – and referred to their respective higher education policy committees.  The bills do away with the Higher Education Coordinating Board and transfer the current work of the HECB to the newly created  Student Financial Assistance Board, Office of Financial Management, and Workforce Education & Training Board.  The bills are companion bills, which means they are the exact same bill introduced in each chamber.