Governance Focus of Work Session in the House

This morning the House Higher Education Committee held a work session on higher education governance.

The hearing provided the first opportunity to hear about some of the details that can be expected in  the Governor’s legislation to reform current education structures in Washington. The bill to implement the Governor’s proposal for education governance reform is expected next week.

The Committee heard a presentation from Leslie Goldstein, higher education policy analyst for the Governor. She provided an overview of the process, intentions and goals with regard to the development of the Governor’s proposal to reform how education is structured.

In addition, the Committee heard several overviews regarding different governance structures in the United States and how higher education is currently structured from the Higher Education Coordinating Board and the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges.  

Note: All committee presentations can be found on the House Higher Education Committee’s website by clicking on Committee Meeting Documents, selecting the date and work session, and then selecting the presentation