Higher Education Related Issues in Other Committees

This morning the House Technology, Energy & Communications Committee and the House Labor & Workforce Development Committee  held public hearings on two bills that may impact higher education institutions in Washington.

The House Technology, Energy & Communications Committee considered legislation that would propose changes to the current organization of information technology in Washington

House Bill 1841 would create the Office of the Chief Information Officer (Office of the CIO) within the Office of Financial Management and create an Information Technology (IT) Advisory Board to advise the Office of the CIO on IT issues.

In addition the bill would eliminate the Information Services Board, replace the Department of Information Services with the newly created Consolidated Technology Services Agency (CTS Agency), and create a Consolidated Technology Services Agency Board that, among other things, approves the catalog of services offered by the CTS Agency and the rates for such services.

The House Labor & Workforce Development Committee heard legislation that would propose changes to current arbitration practices for campus police officers at institutions of higher education.

House Bill 1736 would provide binding interest arbitration for uniformed personnel under the Personnel System Reform Act and define uniformed personnel as campus police officers at institutions of highereducation.

The University of Washington testified with concerns on behalf of all of the four-year, public baccalaureate institutions.