Senate Higher Education Committee Holds Public Hearing

This morning the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Committee heard several proposed bills, ranging from regulatory relief to three-year degrees.

The following bills were heard:

  • SB 5268 – Enacting the college efficiency and savings act.
  • SB 5442 – Requiring the development of accelerated baccalaureate programs at state colleges and universities.
  • SB 5483 – Regarding administrative consistency in student financial aid programs.
  • SB 5484 – Concerning the higher education coordinating board’s responsibilities with regard to health sciences and services authorities.
  • SB 5443 – Requiring the higher education coordinating board to develop a grant program to encourage training for students studying in the medical field to work with individuals with developmental disabilities

The Council of Presidents testified on behalf of the four-year, public institutions in support of the value of providing pathways for students who wish to accelerate their degree attainment as proposed in SB 5442 and shared what institutions are currently doing to serve theses student . However, concerns were expressed about the requirement in the bill to create a three-year degree without attending summer classes or enrolling in more than a full-time class load during the regular academic year.