One Day Until Adjournment: The Latest

With only one day to go until the Washington Legislature must adjourn the 2010 supplemental session several major pieces necessary to allow policymakers to leave Olympia without a special session remain in motion.

Here is the latest as of this evening.

Operating Budget
The 2010 supplemental operating budget (ESSB 6444) has passed both the House and Senate and is now in conference.

Capital Budget
The House proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget (HB 2836) is on the House floor waiting for further consideration. The Senate proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget (SB 6364) passed the Senate late this afternoon.

Revenue Legislation
As of this morning three revenue-related bills have made it into the end-game. Senate Bill 6143– increases taxes and closes loopholes –  and Senate Bill 6874 and House Bill 2493– increases tobacco product taxes. 

Senate Bill 6134 has passed both the House and Senate and is now in conference.

Senate Bill 6874 is on the House floor awaiting further consideration.

This morning House Finance Committee passed House Bill 2493 which increases cigarette tax by$1 per package and equalizes taxes on other tobacco products. HB 2493 now goes to the House floor for further consideration.  

Senate Passes Proposed 2010 Supplemental Budget

The Senate passed their proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget late this afternoon with a vote of 32-16.

The capital budget passed today includes language put forth by Sen. Fraser to provide $125,000 to Evergreen to complete a feasibility study on the College’s Biomass Gasification Project.

In addition, the Senate’s proposed capital budget:

  • Reduces appropriations for debt limit bonds by $139 million.
  • The reduction of $139 million is a combination of reducing new appropriations for the 2009-11 biennium by $73 million and the reappropriation authority for projects authorized in the prior biennia by $66 million.
  • Avoids exceeding the 9 percent constitutional debt limit.
  • Captures $48 million in savings for major higher education construction projects from competitive bids received for these projects.
  • Provides $36 million in funding for the replacement of Balmer Hall at the University of Washington.
  • Places greater reliance on Evergreen’s local funds, including the school trust and a portion of student tuition.

Senate Bill 6364, the Senate’s capital budget, was amended on the Senate floor to allow for several technical corrections in the bill. 

The bill now goes to the House for further consideration.

Three Days Until Adjournment: The Latest

With only three days to go until the Washington Legislature must adjourn the 2010 supplemental session several major pieces necessary to allow policymakers to leave Olympia without a special session remain in motion.

Here is the latest as of this morning.

Operating Budget
The 2010 supplemental operating budget (ESSB 6444) has passed both the House and Senate and is now in conference.

Capital Budget
The House proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget (HB 2836) is on the House floor waiting for further consideration. The Senate proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget (SB 6364) is on the Senate floor waiting for further consideration.

Revenue Legislation
Two revenue-related bills have made it into the end-game. Senate Bill 6143– increases taxes and closes loopholes –  and Senate Bill 6874 – increases tobacco product tax. 

Senate Bill 6134 has passed both the House and Senate and is now in conference.

Senate Bill 6874 is on the House floor awaiting further consideration.

Senate Ways and Means Committee Funds Evergreen’s Biomass Feasibility Study Among Other Actions

The Senate Ways & Means Committee met for a better part of today to hear several bills and take action on several more.

Of great significance for Evergreen was action taken to move forward the Senate’s 2010 proposed Capital Budget (SB 6364).  SSB 6364 was amended in committee, by Senator Fraser,  to appropriate $125,000 to Evergreen to complete a feasibility study on the College’s Biomass Gasification Project.

In addition, the Senate’s proposed capital budget:

  • Reduces appropriations for debt limit bonds by $139 million.
  • The reduction of $139 million is a combination of reducing new appropriations for the 2009-11 biennium by $73 million and the reappropriation authority for projects authorized in the prior biennia by $66 million.
  • Avoids exceeding the 9 percent constitutional debt limit.
  • Captures $48 million in savings for major higher education construction projects from competitive bids received for these projects.
  • Provides $36 million in funding for the replacement of Balmer Hall at the University of Washington.
  • Places greater reliance on Evergreen’s local funds, including the school trust and a portion of student tuition.

The Committee also took action on House Bill 3178– Information Technology. House Bill 3178  organizes, consolidates, and, where appropriate, contracts with private providers for technology systems and resources.  In addition, the bill establishes spending restrictions for information technology for the 2009-2011 biennium.

The Senate Committee removed the language in the House version of HB 3178 and replaced it with language that primarily reflects the House bill but with the following changes:

  • The Legislature and courts are no longer required to submit major IT project budget requests to executive branch agencies for review.
  • Language is more explicit regarding IT in the Legislature and courts.
  • Legislative and judicial branches are no longer required to develop IT portfolios consistent with the provisions of 43.105.172.
  • The legislative and judicial branches are no longer required to prepare and submit to the department a biennial performance report consistent with the provisions of RCW 43.105.17.
  • Other technical changes.

In addition to the replacing the language in the bill, the Committee also adopted two amendments to the bill: (1) A null and void clause added which would repeal the language in the bill if no dollars are appropriated for the bill and (2) Removes language referring to the pilot project.

Both Senate Bill 6364 and House Bill 3178 go to the Senate floor for further consideration.

Status of Moving Parts as Session Nears End

Today is the first day of the last week of the scheduled 2010 supplemental session. Though much progress was made over the weekend several major pieces necessary to adjourn without a special session remain in motion.

Operating Budget
The 2010 supplemental operating budget (ESSB 6444) has passed both the House and Senate. The House passed a striker, which strikes the language from the Senate’s proposed 2010 operating budget and replaces it with the House’s proposed operating budget language. As a result the House effectively passed their proposed operating budget using SSB 6444 as the vehicle. The Senate did not concur with the changes made by the House.  As a result, ESSB 6444 is now in conference.

Capital Budget
The House proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget (HB 2836) is on the House floor waiting for further consideration. The Senate proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget (SB 6364) passed out of committee today and now goes to the Senate floor for further consideration.

Revenue Legislation
Though several revenue-related bills have been heard recently in various committees two revenue-related bills have made it into the end-game. Senate Bill 6143- sales tax and closes loopholes –  and Senate Bill 6874 – increases tobacco product tax.  Senate Bill 6143 is on the House floor awaiting further consideration. It is expected that the House will strike the language in SB 6143 and replace it with language that reflects the House’s proposed revenue package. Senate Bill 6874 is also on the House floor awaiting further consideration.

Senate Release 2010 Proposed Capital Budget

Early this afternoon, the Senate released their proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget.

The Senate’s proposed capital budget places greater reliance on Evergreen’s local funds, including the school trust and a portion of student tuition.

Highlights of the proposed budget are below.

Senate Capital Budget Highlights

  • Reduces appropriations for debt limit bonds by $139 million.
  • The reduction of $139 million is a combination of reducing new appropriations for the 2009-11 biennium by $73 million and the reappropriation authority for projects authorized in the prior biennia by $66 million.
  • Avoids exceeding the 9 percent constitutional debt limit.
  • Captures $48 million in savings for major higher education construction projects from competitive bids received for these projects.
  • Provides $36 million in funding for the replacement of Balmer Hall at the University of Washington.

Details of the Senate proposed 2010 capital budget can be found on the Washington State Legislative Evaluation & Accountability Program Committee Website.

Legislature Week 9: What is Happening

The ninth week of the 2010 supplemental session- the last week of the legislation session – will be focused on closing differences between the Senate and House with regards to the operating and capital budgets as well as revenue.

As of today the proposed 2010 operating and capital budgets as well as revenue packages from the House and Senate have been released.

The floors of both chambers will be the center of legislative action from today through March 11.

Baby Steps but Progress Nonetheless

The House and Senate continued their hard work to move bills through the final stages of the legislative process.

The House passed SB 6401 with a vote of 98-0. Senate Bill 6401 establishes an alternative selection process for selecting mechanical or electrical subcontractors for general contractor/construction manager projects. Evergreen has supported Senate Bill 6401 from the beginning which offers an alternative approach and more options for the College is this area.

The House amended the bill to require the public solicitation of proposals for a mechanical or electrical contractor be provided to the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises; and includes the firm’s plan for outreach to minority and women-owned businesses as an evaluation factor for selection of the subcontractor.

Senate Bill 6401 now must go back to the Senate for concurrence.

The Senate passed House Bill 2575 with a vote of 28-19. HB 2575 expands the membership of the Capital Projects Advisory Review Board (CPARB) to

24 members to include representation from local public owners and regional transit authorities. The Evergreen State College works with CPARB in our capital project efforts.  Evergreen supports this change to the Board.

House Bill 2575 now goes to the Governor for her signature.

House Looks to Move Operating and Capital Budgets; Revenue Passes House Committee

Overnight the focus of the Washington Legislature has moved from committees to the floor.

The House is expected to take up the operating budget and the capital budget today.

Though the House passed their proposed 2010 supplemental operating budget from committee to the floor late last week (HB 2824), it is the Senate’s proposed budget that will likely be the version voted on in the House.

The House has prepared a bill to strike the language from the Senate’s proposed 2010 operating budget (SB 6444) and include the House’s proposed operating budget language. As a result the House will effectively pass their proposed operating budget using SB 6444 as the vehicle.

This will force the bill to go to conference between the Senate and the House because it is unlikely that the Senate will agree to the changes the House will make on the floor when it votes on SB 6444.

The House will vote on its proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget as soon as today (HB 2836) . The Senate has yet to release a proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget.

Finally, the House Finance Committee held a public hearing and moved the House’s revenue package (HB 3191) out of committee and to the House floor.

Legislature Week 8: What is Happening

The eighth week of the 2010 supplemental session will be focused on budget and revenue.

Both the House and Senate released their proposed 2010 supplemental operating budgets this past week. The Senate has yet to release its proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget and the House has yet to release a revenue package.

Fiscal committees will be busy through Monday of next week moving the proposed budget and revenue packages forward as well as any remaining bills in their committees. Both committees must have moved bills from the opposite chamber to the floor by end of day Monday, March 1.

Tuesday through the adjournment of the 2010 supplemental session will be focused on finalizing budgets and revenue packages. So the floors of both chambers will be the center of legislative action from here on out.

Having said that it is worth keeping an eye on the House and Senate fiscal committees for a conference budget and bills (i.e. fiscal and policy) that are Necessary to Implement the Budget (NITB) (i.e. Senate Ways & Means and House Ways & Means).

It is also worth watching legislative policy committees (i.e. House Higher Education and Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development) . Many of the policy committees will hold work sessions next week on hot issues or plans for the Interim.