Governor Releases 2011-13 Biennial Budget

This morning Governor Gregoire released her 2011-13 budget.  In her message on the 2011-13 budget she stated “the budget I am proposing for the 2011-13 biennium is not a budget I ever expected to see in the State of Washington, and the choices in it are the most difficult ones I’ve ever faced.”

The Governor’s proposed biennial budget addresses the assumed budget shortfall in 2011-13 by reducing state programs and services by $3 billion and allowing for $1.1 billion in savings by suspending Initiatives 728 and 732. The balance of the solution is achieved through pension reforms, fund transfers and use of the state’s rainy day fund.

The Governor’s proposed biennial budget proposal for higher education includes:

  • Reductions in funding for higher education by $344.7 million.
  • Differential tuition increases for colleges and universities
    UW/WSU/WWU – 11%
    Evergreen/CWU/EWU – 9%
    Community and Technical Colleges – 10%
  • Maintenance funding for the State Need Grant
  • Reductions in funding for State Work Study by over 30%
  • Suspension of all other state financial aid programs are suspended for new recipients. Current student recipients of these grants are held harmless in the proposal
  • The creation of the Baccalaureate Incentive Program for the public, four-year institutions to boost performance and provides $5 million to fund this program.

Other areas of state government were also dramatically impacted by the Governor’s proposed biennial budget.

  • The Basic Health Plan is eliminated.
  • The Disability Lifeline grant is eliminated.
  • The Student Achievement Program under Initiative 728 that provides smaller class sizes, extended learning time for students and professional development for teachers is suspended.
  • Employee salary increases under Initiative 732 for K-12 and higher education teachers and other employees are suspended.
  • K-4 class-size reduction funds are eliminated.
  • Compensation for state employees is reduced by 3%.
  • All state general funds are eliminated for state parks.
  • McNeil Island Corrections Center is closed.

Finally, other key aspects of the governor’s proposal include:

  • The requirement that government services that benefit a relatively small number of people and businesses, such as processing permit applications, be paid for by the beneficiary and not the general public.
  • The requirement state agencies to deliver important state services at a lower cost. This may necessitate charging higher fees to visit state parks, obtain fishing and hunting licenses, process water rights applications and license adult family homes.

The Washington Legislature will convene on January 10, 2011 to begin the next step in the development of the 2011-13 biennial budget.

Governor Releases Health Care and Pension Policy Initiatives

On Monday Governor Gregoire announced policy initiatives to further reduce the State’s fiscal footprint.  She announced changes in two signficant areas: (1) Health Care and (2) Pension Plans for the 2011-13 biennium.

Health Care

Governor Gregoire’s policy initiative focuses on further changing Washington’s health care delivery system in order to allow for higher quality, more affordable care. To facilitate this, and consistent with her intent to reorganize state government to operate more effectively and efficiently, she proposed the following.

  • Consolidate a majority of the state’s health care purchasing into a single agency
  • Take advantage of opportunities provided under federal health care reform – the Affordable Care Act
  • Move forward with work launched with the federal Center for Innovation to have Washington serve as a pilot in testing models that ramp up quality and tamp down costs.


Governor Gregoire proposed the following actions to reduce future costs to employers and taxpayers while maintaining reasonable benefits for valued public employees and retirees.


  • Reverse a 1995 law granting an annual cost of living increase in benefits regardless of inflation.   The Legislature could still consider increases to these benefits, like they did pre-1995, but they would no longer happen automatically.
  • Change the current system which allows workers to retire early without a corresponding reduction in their benefits for all new hires.  
  • Align state support for higher education retirement plans more closely with that provided for other state employers by capping the state’s contribution at 6%. Currently higher education retirement plans provide both a defined contribution amount and a supplemental guaranteed minimum benefit. The alternative would be to allow new higher education employees the option to participate in one of the state’s hybrid pension plans.
  • End retire-rehire benefits in the higher education sector

Governor Announces Plans to Make State Government More Efficient and Smaller

This morning Governor Gregoire announced her policy initiative to consolidate public services.  She announced the consolidation of public services in five areas.

Consolidating Natural Resource Agendas

  • This initiative consolidates the state’s current eleven agencies to five.
  • Proposes the consolidation of the Department of Fish & Wildlife, the State Parks & Recreation Commission, the Recreation and Conservation Office and the law enforcement unit of the Department of Natural Resources into a new Department of Conservation and Recreation.
  • Proposes the consolidation of the work of the Columbia River Gorge Commission, the Pollution Liability Insurance Agency, and the Department of Health’s reclaimed water program into the Department of Ecology.
  • Proposes the consolidation of the State Conservation Commission into the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation into the Department of Natural Resources.

Consolidating Central Services

  • Eliminate duplicate functions at state agencies
  • Proposes the consolidation of the Department of General Administration, Personnel, Printing and portions of the Department of Information Services and the Office of Financial Management into a new Department of Enterprise Services. 
  • The Department of Enterprise Services will provide the “back office” services and the Office of Financial Management will continue to address policy, budget, forecasting and labor relations.

Creating the Office of Civil Rights

  • Proposes the consolidation of the state’s Human Rights Commission, Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise, Commission on African Affairs, Commission on Hispanic Affairs, and Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs into the Office of Civil Rights.

Eliminating Boards and Commissions

  • Proposes the introduction of legislation to eliminate 36 boards and commissions and move appointment authority for 16 boards from the Office of the Governor to state agencies.
  • A list of the boards and commissions that will be impacted has yet to be released.

Integrating Correctional Services

  • Proposes potential changes from ongoing discussions between the Department of Corrections and the Washington Assocation of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs regarding short-  and long-term strategies to maximize each correctional system’s strengths and integrate certain services.

Governor’s Budget Will Roll Out This Week

Governor Gregorie will roll out her 2011-13 biennial budget this week.

The 2011-13 biennial budget will be released on Wednesday, December 15. Prior to the release of the budget, the Governor will announce proposed policy changes to healthcare and pension plans sometime today (December 13) and efforts to streamline government and/or fund current services and programs differently in the future on Tuesday (December 14).

The Governor will not likely release her revised 2009-11 budget until Monday December 20.  In addition, it is expected that she will announce additional policy initiative in January.

Special Session Underway

This morning the Washington Legislature convened the second special session of 2010. Facing a $1.2 billion budget shortfall in the current fiscal year, the Governor and the Legislature convened the special session, hopefully a single-day session, to reduce the current shortfall by hundreds of millions of dollars.

Thursday the Governor along with the four legislative caucuses reached a deal to be reached without amendments to reduce the current shortfall by $590 million.  The deal includes cuts to state programs and services, fund shifts, and additional revenue through tax compliance efforts. In addition, the Governor will implement an additional reduction of $200 million through across-the-board cutts. This brings the total budget reductions to be achieved  to $790 million.


K-12 & Higher Education Spending Reductions – $311.4 million

  • Use of federal education dollars (Education Jobs Act) – $208 million
  • Higher education across-the-board cuts  – $51 million
  • Elimination of K-4 enhancement (effective February 1) – $39 million
  • Reduction of education reform programs – $9.2 million
  • Reduction of OSPI administration and program funding – $3.7 million

Human Services Spending Reductions – $154.1 million

  • Department of Corrections reductions – $46 million
  • Basic Health Plan Cap Trend – $27 million
  • FQHC Reimbursement Method Change – $20.3 millin
  • Reduction of Disability Lifeline Unemployable cash grant – $12.3 millin
  • Children’s Administration reductions – $11 million
  • Additional CHIPRA Performance Bonus – $10 million
  • Extension of temporary layoff to all staff (DSHS) – $9 million
  • Elimination of non-emergency adult dental  – $7 million
  • Extension of temporary layoff- adds two days (DSHS) – $4 million
  • Closure of McNeil Island – $3 million
  • Elmination of child support pass-through (Economic Services) – $1 million
  • Reduction of diversion cash assistance (TANF) – $900,000

Other Spending Changes – $24 .8 million

  • Reductions of separately elected officials, OFM & judical  – $11 million
  • Reductions Department of Natural Resources – $17 million

Fund Transfers – $54 million

  • State Toxics Control Account – $20 million
  • Disaster Response Account – $15 million
  • State Treasurer’s Service Account – $10 million
  • Financial Services Regulation Account – $5 million
  • Tobacco Prevention and Control Account – $3 million
  • Nisqually Earthquake Account – $1 million

Both the House and Senate Ways & Means Committees met this morning. The House Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing and took action on three bills:

  • House Bill 3223: Allows the Department of Revenue to waive penalties for companies that owe back taxes and pay up promptly. The measure is estimated to raise over $44 million over six months.
  • House Bill 3224Suspends child support pass-through payments to families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits.
  • House Bill 3225: Reductions to the 2009-2011 operating budget

The Senate Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing and took action on two bills:

  • Senate Bill 6892: Allows the Department of Revenue to waive penalties for companies that owe back taxes and pay up promptly. The measure is estimated to raise over $44 million over six months.
  • Senate Bill 6893: Suspends child support pass-through payments to families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits.

Both chambers are expected to take further action on the bills passed out of committee  on the House and Senate floor early this afternoon.

After today’s actions, the Governor and the Legislature will still need to resolve a remaining budget shortfall of approximately $540 million when the 2011 legislative session convenes in January.

Governor’s Budget Task Force Releases Recommendations for Change

On Wednesday, the House Ways & Means Committee received a brief presentation regarding the recommendations put forth by the Governor’s Committee on Transforming Washington’s.

The Governor’s Office released a list of ideas representative of committee members. The ideas fall into five major catgories.

  • Restructuring Ideas
  • Budget Ideas, Cost Savings and Other Ways to Pay for Services
  • Privatization or Outsourcing Ideas
  • Better Customer Service Ideas
  • Regulatory Ideas

No votes were taken by the Committee. In addition, the recommendations provided were not developed with an  attempts to achieve consensus or to represent a majority opinion. Instead, the list contains ideas put forward by at least one of the committee members.

Several ideas were put forth that would impact the four-year higher education sector if implemented. In addition, several more would impact higher education institutions as public agencies.

Restructuring Ideas

  • Decide if four-year universities are state agencies or not. If they argencies or not. If they are agencies, then the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB) should become a cabinet agency with full authority over the four-years. If they aren’t agencies, funding could be switched to block performance agreements with additional funds structured around the student achievement initiative the two-years are using.

Budget Ideas, Cost Savings, and Other Ways to Pay for Services

  • Consider moving to an outcome-based funding model for higher education including: (1) Fund students on a per-credit basis rather than funding institutions; and (2) Pay for degree completions rather than student enrollment.
  • Increase tuition so students pay a higher proportion of higher education costs.
  • Negotiate master contracts and require joint purchasing of reference data bases by law libraries and higher education institutions. The state should buy in bulk in order to get better prices. Regarding law libraries – this purchasing at lower rates could also benefit county law libraries. Purchasing should allow at least some public access.
  • Limit state support to one baccalaureate degree per individual. Individuals seeking another BA degree would pay full cost of second degree.
  • Increase the building fees on student tuition – so students contribute more to the cost of higher education buildings.
  • Dedicate a portion of revenues from patents and royalties generated from research at universities and colleges to a higher education building funds.

Privatization and Outsourcing Ideas

  • Incentivize greater private higher education investment in the state. Look at options to privatize programs and components of colleges and universities. Balance with concerns regarding quality and cost-effectiveness of some of the current private for-profit programs.

The Governor will now study each of the ideas and determine which are viable either in the short or long term. Ideas that can be successfully implemented, save money, or improve the delivery of services to the people of the state will be included in the Governor’s budget proposal in December. Ideas which the Governor chooses not to pursue at this time may be picked up by members of the Legislature or others for consideration at any time.

Special Session Still Possible

Yesterday, Governor Gregoire met with Democrat and Republican leaders from the House and Senate, but did not reach an agreement regarding a special session to deal with the looming $1.2 billion budget deficit in the current fiscal year.

Governor Gregoire would like action this month to balance the 2009-11 budget, but is hesistant to call in legislators without an agreement.  Legislative leadership still needs time to talk with their caucuses about proposals for reductions.

More meetings are planned with the Governor.

Special Session Under Discussion

A potential special session in December is one of many topics under consideration by Governor Gregoire and legislative leadership.

Gregoire is scheduled to meet with Demoratic and Republican leaders on Wednesday to discuss options for cutting the budget. She had asked leadership for ideas for cutting the budget by Monday but several asked for additional time.

A special session in December would address the state’s need to cut more than $1 billion out of this year’s budget and about $5.7 billion from the next two-year budget.  The more time that passes without a resolution to the budget the greater the impact.

Last week Governor Gregoire identified options to reduce the state’s budget. Many of the items she proposed would require legislative action by December 12.

The Governor wants an agreement on an agenda before calling a special session to avoid lengthy delibrations.

Legislative leadership has expressed concerns regarding the elimination of programs and services without first trying to reduce the costs of these programs and services. In addition, there is some preference for a full supplemental budget versus quick program cuts.

Governor Releases Series of Proposals to Balance the Current Biennial Budget

Today Governor Gregoire released to legislative leadership a series of proposals to solve the current fiscal year’s deficit of $1.14 billion. 

The proposals include across-the-boards cuts already imposed but does not include the recent decision to reopen collective bargaining agreements.

The proposals listed include the estimated savings, effective date of the change needed to secure the savings, notice requirements to meet the effective date and whether legislative action is needed

Among the proposals are the across-the-board cuts taken by institutions of higher education, including Evergreen’s reduction of $800,000. The reduction does not reflect the full 6.3% initially required but is closer to 4.5% to reflect the federal maintenance effort requirement.

In addition, the proposal includes other higher education related measures including:

  • Delaying State Need Grant funding to FY2012 
  • Requirement to make whole shortfalls in the Opportunity Pathways Account and Education Legacy Account

Many of the proposals would require legislative action by Dec. 12, but it’s not clear yet if the governor will call a special session. The Governor wants to make sure legislative leaders agree on a solution before deciding whether to call lawmakers back.

She has given lawmakers until Monday to submit their own budget ideas.

Governor Gregoire Elected Chair of National Governors Association

Governor Gregoire was elected to chair the National Governor Association, a bipartisan organization, through July 2011.

Gregoire is only the second woman to chair the association, and replaces W.V. Gov. Joe Manchin, who was elected to the U.S. Senate, according to an NGA press release.

The governor announced she will continue Manchin’s “Complete to Compete” initiative, which seeks to increase the number of American students who complete college degrees and improve the productivity of U.S. high education institutions.