House Education Appropriations Wraps Up Work for the Week

Today the House Education Appropriations Committee took up many of the bills passed yesterday by the House Education Committee.

House Bill 3068 passed out of committee with no amendments. HB 3068 provides that, if scholarship funds are available after qualified paraeducators have been accepted, individuals who participated in one of the Recruiting Washington Teachers programs for high school students can participate in the Pipeline for Pareducators conditional scholarship program.

House Bill 2852 passed out of committee with no amendments. HB 2852 excludes public and accredited institutions of higher education from laws that regulate providers of online learning in K-12 schools and authorizes school districts to claim basic education funding for students enrolled in college credit-bearing courses offered by these types of higher education institutions. Evergreen did not weigh in on the bill.

A second substitute bill for House Bill 3059 was passed out of committee. Evergreen was successful in amending the bill in response to the College’s concern about the lack of funding to accompany the requirement to provide a teacher preparation alternative route program and the impact on institutional mission.