Dashboard for WA Public Baccalaureate Institutions is Released

This week the Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM) released a dashboard for Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions.

The dashboard is the result of passage of legislation (HB 1795)  in the 2011 regular session to provide the opportunity for Washingtonians to see outcome data for the public four-year institutions.

The dashboard shows aggregated data for the four-year sector and provides several metrics that focus on enrollment, retention, graduation, and degrees. Ultimately the dashboard will include data for each of the public baccalaureates in the new Complete to Compete accountability framework championed by Governor Gregoire.

The dashboard was developed by the OFM Forecasting and Research Division in conjunction with the six public baccalureate institutions, Council of Presidents, Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the Department of Enterprise Services.

The next version of the dashboard will be available Spring 2012.

Higher Education Presents on Multiple Budgets

This afternoon the public, baccaluareate institutions presented and testified on the future impacts of the operating budget and the capital budget.

Capital Budget

The four-year institutions were represented by the University of Washington and Evergreen before the House Capital Budget Committee.  Representing both the research and comprehensive institutions, the UW and John Hurley, VP for Finance & Administration at Evergreen, provided a joint presentation on the 10-year outlook for capital projects and funding at the six institutions.

The comprehensive institutions (EWU, WWU, CWU, and Evergreen) highlighted two major priorities over the next decade: (1) instructional needs will dominate capital projects and (2) the majority of minor works dollars from the state will focus on preservation and maintenance.

In addition the comprehensives spoke to the challenges reductions in state funds for capital and the downturn in the economy have had on institutional capital budgets. Among the challenges is the difficulty of modernizing instructional and lab space, reduced staff, and the need to move projects from the current biennium out to future biennia.

Finally the comprehensives highlighted the critical economic impact capital funding has on state and local economies, especially job creation and revenue.

Operating Budget

The four-year public higher education institutions testified with concerns regarding the Governor’s proposed supplemental budget for higher education before the House Education Appropriations and Oversight Committee.

The Governor’s proposed supplemental budget would reduce funding for Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions by double-digit percentages and suspend state work study.

Higher education representatives from the six public baccaluareate institutions in Washington, including The Evergreen State College, testified with concerns about further reductions to higher education and the impact on students.

Since 2008 state funding for Evergreen has declined by half.  To mitigate this dramatic loss of state funding over the last four years Evergreen has increased tuition by 70%, reduced institutional support (a.k.a. administration) by 32.3%, reduced the College’s workforce by over 8%, and suspended the Master of Education program and consolidate other programs among several other reductions and regorganizations.

Evergreen testified that further reductions would immediately impact students at the College. Over 80% of Evergreen’s students receive some form of financial aid, over 40% are low-income (at or below 150% of the federal poverty level), over 50% are community and technical college transfers, and nearly 30% are first-generation. 

Evergreen also expressed concerns about the impact of further reductions on the success of the College. Evergreen leads the public baccaluareate institutions in Washington in time to degree and is only behind the UW in four-year graduation rates.

Evergreen asked legislators in the coming months of budget discussions to: (1) Prioritize higher education in the budget, (2) Pursue a balanced approach to the budget, and (3) Remember that only six months ago the Legislature overhauled much of higher education, leaving little untouched with regard to policy changes and asked legislators to let these policy changes settle out and if new policy is considered to make sure it does not create new barriers to maximizing the success of students.

Senate Hears Governor’s Proposed Supplemental Budget for Education

Today the Senate Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing on the Governor’s supplemental budget for education.

The Committee heard an overview from the Office of the Governor on the proposed supplemental. The Governor’s proposed supplemental budget would reduce funding for Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions by double-digit percentages and suspend state work study.

Higher education representatives from the six public baccaluareate institutions in Washington, including The Evergreen State College, testified with concerns about further reductions to higher education and the impact on students.

House Holds Public Hearing on Governor’s Supplemental Budget

Yesterday the House Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing on the Governor’s supplemental budget.

The Governor’s proposed supplemental budget would reduce funding for Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions by double-digit percentages and suspend state work study.

Higher education representatives from the six public baccaluareate institutions in Washington, including The Evergreen State College, testified with concerns about further reductions to higher education and the impact on students.

Special Session Begins Today

Today at Noon lawmakers will return to Olympia to begin a thirty-day special session focused on closing a $2 billion budget shortfall. The first week of the special session is packed full of work sessions and public hearings on the state budget.

November 28
The House Ways & Means Committee will hold a public hearing on the Governor’s proposed supplemental budget.

November 29
The House will convene for a floor session to take action on some early bills. On the Senate side the Ways & Means Committee will hold a work session on the Governor’s proposed supplemental budget. In addition a handful of Senate policy committees will convene.

November 30
Both the House and Senate will convene for a floor session. In addition policy committees in both chambers will meet. Finally the Senate Ways & Means Committee will hold a public hearing on the K-12 and higher education portions of the Governor’s supplemental budget.

December 1
Several appropriation and policy committees will convene. Of particular interest to higher education will be:

  •  A work session of the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee on the Governor’s proposed supplemental budget for higher education, a report on the GET program, and a report from the Higher Education Steering Committee tasked with developing a new state-level higher education entity.  
  • The House Capital Budget Committee will convene a work session that will focus in part on the ten-year capital needs of higher education institutions. 
  • The House Ways & Means Committee will hold a work session on the November economic and revenue forecast, the budget outlook for 2012 and the impact of recently passed initiatives on the operating budget.

December 2
The House Higher Education Committee will convene for a work session on the legislative priorities of the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB), State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, and the Public Baccaluareate Institutions. In addition the Committee will receive reports regarding the Higher Education Steering Committee’s work on a new state-level entity for higher education, the HECB’s work on the higher education master plan, and the community and technical colleges’ efficiencies efforts.

Finally the House Ways & Means Committee will convene to hold a public hearing on any bills referred to committee.




Lack of Agreement of Debt Committee Triggers Cuts to Education

Yesterday the deadline to reach an agreement on deficit reduction passed. The Congressional Deficit Committee announced that they were unable to reach an agreement. As a result, this set into motion $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts over the next decade if Congress does not act by 2013 on the deficit.  

The impact to education is likely to be hard. The U.S. Department of Education’s budget would be reduced by $3.54 billion in 2013. In addition $134 million for non-Pell Grant financial aid programs will likely be lost.

While the Pell Grant is exempt from cuts in the current fiscal year they remain at risk. The overall spending caps that will be enacted by Congress will place constraints on the federal budget and make it difficult to maintain support for current funding levels.

The 12-member Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, formed in the July compromise that increased the nation’s debt limit, was charged with cutting $1.2 trillion from the deficit before Thanksgiving.

Congress still has a year to decide how to apply the $1.2 trillion in cuts – to be split evenly between defense and nondefense spending.  In the meantime it is possible that Congress could reach a long-term agreement on deficit reduction or change how the mandated cuts are enacted. Though President Obama has vowed to veto any legislation that would eliminate the automatic cuts.

The budget conversation will now shift back to the congressional appropriation committees to decide on several budget bills and enact 2013 spending caps.

Governor Releases Supplemental Budget and Proposes Revenue Package

This morning Governor Gregoire released her proposed 2012 supplemental budget and a revenue proposal.

2012 Supplemental Budget
The proposed supplemental budget reduces public services and programs by $1.7 billion and leaves an ending balance of $601.5 million for the remainder of the current biennium.

Higher Education
The Governor’s proposed supplemental budget reduces state support for higher education by $168.2 million. This includes a $160.1 million reduction to the two- and four-year public institutions. This represents a reduction of 17% in state funding for UW, WSU, and WWU; 16% for EWU, CWU, and Evergreen; and 13% for the community and technical colleges. For Evergreen this is an additional reduction of $2.95 million in state support. In addition, the Governor proposes suspension of the state work study program ($8.1 million) beginning fall 2012.

The Governor’s supplemental budget does make an investment in graduating more engineers ($7.6 million). These funds are directed towards the UW and WSU to enroll additional engineering students.

Governor’s Revenue Proposal

The Governor’s revenue proposal would raise more than $830 million in revenue. Gregoire recommended revenue options that support or have limited negative effects on the state’s economic recovery, promote fairness among taxpayers, simplify the state’s tax structure, and provide immediate benefits to address the budget shortfall.

The majority of funds would come from a 0.5% temporary increase in the sales tax (est. $494.1 million). The revenue generated from an increase in the sales tax would go to education ($411 million), long-term care and developmental disability services ($42 million), and public safety ($41 million). Of the new revenue for education $160 million would go to offset the proposed reduction to the two- and four-year public institutions in the Governor’s proposed 2012 supplemental budget.

The Governor recommends the remaining revenue come from an array of options such as imposing a $10 fee per invoice issued to a taxpayer for unpaid taxes and imposing a 1.5% gross receipts tax on gambling and lottery winnings. Her proposal divides additional revenue to be approved by the Legislature into two groupings: (1) revenue increases that would require a simple majority vote of the Legislature ($59 million) and (2) increases that would require a two-thirds vote of the Legislature ($282 million).

The Governor’s proposal does include recommended priorities if the Legislature does arrive at additional revenues beyond the increase in the sales tax. Among these priorities is support for the state work study program ($8.1 million).

The Legislature returns to Olympia next Monday (November 28) to consider the Governor’s proposed budget and develop their own proposals.

Governor Invests in Higher Education to Support Aerospace Industry

Yesterday Governor Gregoire held a news conference at Renton Technical College to announce proposals to invest in education to ensure the Boeing 737 MAX is built and manufactured in Washington.

The proposal provides $9.8 million in funding to support aerospace education.

  • $7.6 million to the UW and WSU to enroll 775 more engineering students;
  • $1.5 million with additional support from companies, foundation, and donors to create a Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation at UW and WSU to support university research that will grow the aerosapce sector and lead to new jobs in Washington;
  • $450,000 to expand the Launch Year program and provide 12 high schools with aerospace curriculum support to prepare high school students to enter the workforce. The investment would also provide two Skills Centers with aerospace manufacturing support to help train additional high school students; and
  • $250,000 to add “Project Lead the Way” courses at 10 high schools which focus on problem-solving using STEM fields and skills.

In addition the proposal includes the creation of a Governor’s Aerospace Office to provide focus, direction, oversight, and coordination to grow Washington’s aerospace industry.

The funds would come from a variety of sources including reserves and state dollars.

Revenue Forecast Down But Does Not Deeply Impact $2 Billion Budget Shortfall

This morning the November state economic and revenue forecast was released.  The forecast shows projected General Fund revenues for the current biennium down by $122 million compared to the prior quarterly forecast in September.

Washington’s Chief Economist, Dr. Arun Raha stated, “the economic environment is much as we anticipated in the September forecast. Our November adjustments reflect uncertainty in various markets, but not another downshift in expectations.”

Governor Gregoire is expected to propose a supplemental operating budget on Monday, November 21 to address the shortfall and leave a reserve (the estimated target is $2 billion). Washington legislators will return on the following Monday (November 28) for a special session to address the budget shortfall.

Washingtonians Respond to Statewide Measures

Yesterday Washingtonians headed to the ballot box. Among the multiple local and county measures and races, Washingtonians voted on three statewide initiatives.

Passed- Privitization of Liquor
Initiative 1183 closes state liquor stores and sell their assets, including the liquor-distribution center. The initiative allows private stores to sell liquor and create licensing fees for sale and distribution of liquor based on sales and revenues.

Too Close to Call (Oppose 51%; Support 48%) – Washington Tolls
Initiative 1125 would require the Legislature, not the state Transportation Commission, to set tolls, and mandate that a toll on a particular road or bridge be used only for construction, operation or maintenance of that project.

Passed – Background Checks and Training for Long Term Care Workers
Initiative 1163 would require background checks and training for long-term care workers and providers.