Building a community around IT

One session this morning centered around a group of reps from different institutions that  were relaying their experiences in providing a core IT support environment in higher ed.  There were definitely some common themes that were pervasive, most of which revolved around strategies for building a community.  Things that might be useful to bring home to the mother ship (AKA Evergreen) would be proactive outreach to constituencies that might have concerns, questions or issues around IT but we are not hearing from them because nobody’s asking them questions directly.
Client Services things to consider as important in rebuilding trust and accountability.  Look for the problems, seek out the festering sores.  Do not work with blinders on that reinforces the misconception that if i don’t hear any rumbling then  everyone must be happy.  Also, that commonly over-spouted concept – Transparency – communicate all the things we are doing at any given time.  Be proactive about meeting with groups to let them know what the priorities are.  We need to move away from a climate of “fear of reprisal”, this does nothing to further trust and functionality.

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