About Our Group


IMG_0650Hello, my name is Star. I am a student at the Evergreen State College as a Junior, though this is really only my first year out of high school. I have been fascinated by the world around me since I was little. I consider myself an amateur scientist, obsessed with my curiosity for all things little and inconceivably large. This is why physics is so rad to me! My love of plants comes from my outdoorsy upbringing, my vegan mother, and my own witchy spirituality. It’s no wonder I’m taking a class like Plants in Motion, really. My other hobbies include, but are not limited to, making witchy punk art, making noise on my musical saw, eating really really good vegan food, stargazing, expressing my gender identity, and playing roller derby!







 Hello my name is Ashley and I am a sophomore at TESC. I decided to take Plants in Motion because I love physics…well actually I love science altogether. Evergreen has inspired my love for science along with my curiosity for the world around us. My hobbies include binge watching Netflix and science documentaries, reading crime novels, singing in the shower, eating family sized chocolate bars in one sitting, and of course long walks on the beach.









Hey, Peter Anthony here to be a nerd look rad doing it. I am currently a sophomore at The Evergreen State College but call San Francisco home. My passions are silently wandering through streets, destroying the patriarchy, capitalism, racism and TERFs with inter-sectional womanism, scribbling my ideas in the margins of homework, and sneaking into science classes at UC Berkeley. Academically, I hope to become a poor young adult with a degree in molecular biology and experimental physics and want to write my thesis paper on under representations in science.

Blog post:

Mimosa plant has identity crisis

