How Does Potions Inc Give Back?

It is extremely important to us here at Potions Incorporated to build a social purpose into our company so that we don’t just serve our customers but also serve our greater community. We thought for a while about how Dungeons & Dragons could serve our community. We have decided to give back through Potions for Patients. But what’s that?

Potions for Patients is a charity initiative that sets aside free access to our service for patients in hospitals, bringing D&D fun to those who need it most

Staying at the hospital is hard enough, and with extended stays there comes hours of boredom. Thats where we come in! By building in a charitable donation percentage into each subscription sold we will be providing a varying number of free codes to local hospitals. With these codes patients could escape from the boredom and fear of the hospital and adventure with friends or strangers online! We have found so much joy in the escapism of table-top roleplaying games like D&D and we want to bring that to those who could use it the most!