How to Support Us

Supporting Potions Incorporated is easy! Upon completion of their free first quest users are directed over to our subscriptions page. Here they can decide whether they would like to pay for more and if so how much. Our subscription services allow users to access more data to store quests and characters on as well as access to homebrew content and development participation.



Adventurer: $2.99 monthly

Hero gives you a great level of starting on our site. Access to our Primary resources of your site inducing:

Our Innovative Gaming UI: This is the bread and butter of Potions Inc, this is our all in one user account linked user interface.

35gb of online storage: This is a space to store your campaigns, maps, characters, playlists, ect.


Hero: $4.99 monthly

Hero grants you access to homebrew content created in house by Potions Inc including characters, maps, quests, magic items, dungeons and more!

Expansion of storage to 100gb: More storage


Legend: $9.99

 For Legends we allow you to take part in the development

Access to our development logs: We send you updates on our progress on the site

Voting on new features: You can suggest and vote on new features that we will try to implement

Expansion of storage to 200gb: More storage