Shaye's 3D Printing Portfolio

The Evergreen State College


December 2014

MTO TESC -Shaye Riano

  Each individual human is so incredibly complex and different in regards to body, soul, and mind that standardization in society doesn’t work for any period of time. As a collective conscious, humans are evolving faster and faster. As they make exponentially make… Continue Reading →

Week 10: Iteration #5: Blue Rabbit, Yes Naturally -Shaye Riano 12/8/2014


Week 9: Iteration #4: The Blue Rabbit In Material Form -Shaye Riano 12/2/2014

Only an individual knows their own true path, many are trapped and haven’t found it. I get individual satisfaction that is earned, well deserved,  and equal, balanced, or fair trade out of helping people understand and be conscious of the realities… Continue Reading →

CST Post #7 Week 8 -Shaye Riano 12/2/2014

“What if someone prints an AK-47 with it?” “No ones going to print a working AK-47 with this, Its too brittle. AK-47 manufacturing is already sadly in great profusion across our inner cities anyways.”   Doctorow, C. (2009). Makers (p…. Continue Reading →

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