Shaye's 3D Printing Portfolio

The Evergreen State College



MTO TESC -Shaye Riano

  Each individual human is so incredibly complex and different in regards to body, soul, and mind that standardization in society doesn’t work for any period of time. As a collective conscious, humans are evolving faster and faster. As they make exponentially make… Continue Reading →

CST Post #7 Week 8 -Shaye Riano 12/2/2014

“What if someone prints an AK-47 with it?” “No ones going to print a working AK-47 with this, Its too brittle. AK-47 manufacturing is already sadly in great profusion across our inner cities anyways.”   Doctorow, C. (2009). Makers (p…. Continue Reading →

CST Post #6 Week 7 -Shaye Riano 11/17/2014

“Suzanne narrowed her eyes and looked away, the table fell quiet-even the kids sensed something was up. Who’s? watching the ride Lester? Tjan asked quietly.” “Its shut, he said cheerfully.”   Doctorow, C. (2009). Makers (p. 271). New York: Tor…. Continue Reading →

CST Post #5 Week 6 -Shaye Riano 11/2/2014

“She pored over the stack of menus in the kitchen. Does food in twenty minutes really deliver in twenty minutes?” “Usually fifteen, they do most of the prep in the vans and use a lot of predictive math in their… Continue Reading →

CST Post #4 Week 5 -Shaye Riano 11/2/2014

“What was the sorrow? The death of the new work. The death of the dotcoms. The death of everything he’d considered important and worthy, its fading into tawdry, cheap nostalgia.” -Kettlebelly Doctorow, C. (2009). Makers (p. 169). New York: Tor. I… Continue Reading →

CST Post #3 Week 4 -Shaye Riano 10/27/2014

“What had prompted him to sabotage the ride? It was something primeval, something he hadn’t been in any real control of.” Doctorow, C. (2009). Makers (p. 150). New York: Tor. Graham is really into music, drumming in particular. In this… Continue Reading →

CST Post #2 Week 3 -Shaye Riano 10/20/2014

“Can I go out and have a look?” she said. “I mean, is it safe?” -Suzanne “Of course! Our robots wont harm you: they just nuzzle you and then change direction.” -Fiona Doctorow, C. (2009). Makers (p. 101). New York:… Continue Reading →

CST Post #1 Week 1 -Shaye Riano 10/6/2014

“Kettlewell thought that there were a thousand, ten thousand people as creative as these two out there, waiting to be discovered. Could it be true?- Suzanne “Why not? Were just here because someone dropped the barrier to entry, made it… Continue Reading →

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