Campus Tech: C-Cam

Hidden deep in the dank dungeons of the Library building, AKA the first floor, there is an oasis of media technology awaiting your discovery. A full three-camera film studio, video mixing labs and a visual effects/CGI lab are a good start to your adventure; but that’s only the beginning. If you look harder you’ll find a 5.1 surround sound studio, a blue screen studio, and a sound effects studio. All of this can be found within the walls of Evergreen’s CCAM, or Center for Creative and Applied Media: the central hub of multimedia hardware, software, and expertise on campus.

Wanting to know more, I dropped in and talked to Dave Cramton, the lead video producer in the center. They welcome curious visitors anytime from 8:30AM-6:30PM on weekdays. Dave told me that unlike Photoland and the Multimedia Lab, the CCAM is not open to students for general use. Instead, you must be enrolled in a program that uses the center, or submit an independent contract that includes CCAM use. If you are interested in using the CCAM to complete your contract, contact Dave Cramton or Stephanie Zorn.

Construction was completed in 2010, making it one of the newest additions to campus. Out of all the rooms, Dave told me that the Audio Lab and Sound Effects Studio see the most use. Since opening, student productions such as Ready Camera One’s mini-series Space 4 Rent and Tommy Thompson’s stop-motion film High Strung have emerged from the studios. Your production could be the next big show, but first you need to head downstairs and see the CCAM for yourself!


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