Kopimism – Copy and Spread

It’s no secret that a lot of today’s tech-savvy society members participate in the lovely, and frequently illegal, acts of pirating and file sharing. Like speeding on the freeway, file sharing has become widely accepted as a reality of the Internet. But what happens when file sharing goes from routine to… divine? About a week before the New Year, the … Continued

Who Watches The Watchmen?

Imagine for a moment that you are standing in a crowded New York street, roasting in the sweltering heat given off by the press of bodies surrounding you. Signs are being waved, songs are being chanted, somewhere off to your left there is angry shouting in a language you don’t even recognize. Suddenly, there is a deafening crack, then another, … Continued

The Smartpen

The Smartpen is a new product that allows students to record lessons audibly and download the files to their computer for future studying, but is it as groundbreaking as its designers would like us to think? It cuts out the middleman, which ironically was the pen. It’s bulky, but stylish, and it intends to allow users to pay attention to … Continued

Apple Store Architecture

The Mac, iPod, iPhone, and now iPad have transformed the way we do just about everything since their release. 1984 was only the start of Apple Computer Inc. Despite the years Apple was close to failing, they didn’t give up on the road to reaching success. As Apple developed and improved, the company came up with the idea of creating … Continued

iPhone Apps: Seriously Superior

iPhone Apps: Seriously Superior

Unlike your typical cell or smart phone, the iPhone is far more reliable, responsive, and so much better to look at. Let’s remember that Apple created the craze that are “Apps” and these have allowed us to make just about everything possible through the iPhone. Android may have some similarities as they weren’t creative enough to be original, or first, … Continued

O for Occupy, Alan Moore joins the ranks

Alan Moore is famous for writing incessantly ground-breaking graphic novels and comics such as V for Vendetta, Watchmen, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, and Lost Girls. David Lloyd is best known for creating the iconic Guy Fawkes mask during his work with Moore on V for Vendetta. Their infamous and anonymous Guy Fawkes mask has become the symbol, once … Continued

Occupy: Open source software

Occupy: Open source software

Strange how people’s needs change over time. Just a couple centuries ago, food, water and shelter were the only basic necessities for modern life.Then electricity became necessary. It allowed us to occupy in harsh climates otherwise unbearable. Sixty years ago living without electricity was unthinkable. Then internet became necessary. It allowed us to occupy an unlimited space heretofore unimaginable. For … Continued

Must-Have Android Applications for Students

Must-Have Android Applications for Students

        Why Android, you might ask? Seeing that is a publication catering to students and not champagne-collecting Hummer enthusiasts, the first advantage I’d like to point out is that Androids are almost universally more affordable. Second, Android phones are much easier to root, or, as Apple/Thin Lizzy fans phrase it, jailbreak. I don’t know about you, but … Continued

Firefox-Romero Syndrome

Firefox-Romero Syndrome

As of November the 8th, Firefox v8.0 is live and available as the most recent version of the popular Mozilla internet browser; claiming to have “super speed” and “Even MORE awesomeness!”. The update supplies users with some useful new utilities. Foremost among them being a software blocker that prevents third party clients from installing unwanted ‘nagware’ and the kind of … Continued

onebusaway logo

One Bus Away

  Have you ever missed a bus because it was running early? Or maybe you are like me, waiting, in the warmth of the Computing Center, until the last minute to run across Red Square and catch the last 41 towards downtown. Thanks to OneBusAway, you can now get live bus arrival times for Puget Sound bus systems, including Intercity … Continued