Must-Have Android Applications for Students





Why Android, you might ask? Seeing that is a publication catering to students and not champagne-collecting Hummer enthusiasts, the first advantage I’d like to point out is that Androids are almost universally more affordable. Second, Android phones are much easier to root, or, as Apple/Thin Lizzy fans phrase it, jailbreak. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be an accomplice to any escaped convict phone. So make the right choice today and get yourself a nice Droid.

Staring from afar at the cute girl in your seminar who keeps referencing Fellini? Lurk no more! Awkward silence at a local director’s film screening Q &A? Whip out this baby and let the conversation fly. Impress your friends with your extensive film knowledge, post your headshot, or just start a forum argument about the next Scorsese documentary.


Vlingo And you thought Siri was cool. Vlingo is a voice-activated social tool that runs tasks as simple as calling your mom and complex as helping you solve a derivative. Vlingo has a hands-free feature (navigation, anyone?) and connects with services like Fandango and Kayak to get you on the very next flight to the picture show.



Though many folks take note-writing applications for granted, this one’s not for your average to-do lister. You can label, organize, attach files to, and even encrypt your messages, so you won’t have to worry that your nosy friend will see that reminder you made to buy Lady Rogaine.



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