The CAL Computer Lab

The Computer Applications Lab or the CAL, located on the first floor of the Lab II building, is a computer center for Evergreen science students. Equipped with two workrooms of 26 PC

 computers, podiums for lectures and presentations, scanning stations and a friendly staff; the space resembles a micro-version of what you find at The Computer Center. In fact the program load set is the same with application tools for a wide variety of subjects; ranging from audio and video applications to statistical tools. I caught up with the previous CAL manager Rip Heminway and current manager Erik Ordway to find out more. “There is a lot of really interesting academic work going on their” Rip says, “and it’s a really tight and supportive community for science focused students.” Serving as a hub, the CAL is a dynamic space embedded within the Lab buildings where faculty, students, and staff live and breathe science. The CAL staff are science students who have the knowledge, skills and experience to help out with a vast array of science related questions. “The majority of the CAL users”, Erik says, “hardly ever leave this part of campus”; considering the addition of their new lounge one can understand why. With their classrooms, labs, Scientific Computing resources and newly improved CAL all in one place, the challenge of uniting artists and scientists on campus has reached an all time high.

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