Terroir definition and tasting terroir in coffee

Definition: Terroir is the relative expression in a food or medicine of a subtle set of particularities, influenced by geological and geographical locality, soil composition, micro-climatic variations in heat, moisture, and wind, botanical specifity, horticultural idiosyncracy, varying expressions of secondary compounds and alkaloids, and among crafted end-products terroir is also the so-called maker’s imprint, a combination of creators’ intentions and the perception of those who experience their creations.

Attribution of terroir in coffee: Through tasting an enormous variety of coffees over the past few weeks I cannot attribute taste differences to terroir in a strict sense. The roasters we have talked to view terroir as having little impact on the resulting flavor of coffee, and the processing and roasting as having a much greater effect.  However, in our personal views, the processing and roasting are key components that plays into the terroir.

Photo credit: taken by Armando